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Everything posted by sudden

  1. If you don't have Nero I recomend Daemon Tools (www.daemon-tools.cc). That program can emulate a CD unit and mount any bin cue image files. Btw it's freeware. First use M3U2Sburner (http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/paolose/) to make your playlist out of mp3. Make a Audio CD image with it and then mount it with Daemon Tools. Open SimpleBurner and presto! You can make a NetMD disc from that sourse. Basically it the same process as with Nero but the beuty of this is that M3U2Sburner have all the steps in it and best part, it names tracks after mp3 id tag.
  2. voila Hmm why did I not hack my Sony? If it playes, leave it be.
  3. Why bother with either OpenMG or SonicStage when you can do it with M3U2Sburner/Simple Burner? With those proggies you don't have the nagging check in/out crap.
  4. sudden


    Moron, go and take a long walk on a short pire instead of makin non-sens topics.
  5. sudden

    mzn710 and line out

    From what I read, the hack only opens a soft line out. Meaning it raises volume to max and turns of eq. So in other words I can do that myself easy befor plug into a external amp. And this without the danger of hacking. I have a MZ-N707 and would never even try to hack it, the "extra fetures" are not worth the risk.
  6. Goldwave is a nice sound editor (http://www.goldwave.com) Also Nero burning can add effects like that to Audio CDs befor it burns the tracks.
  7. sudden

    MZ-N510 or MZ-N710

    Well apart from that It's the same hardware inside, same codec and amp. However aren't "better remote, battery life, mic in" reasons enough to get the 710? I would call that major benefits!
  8. The only model that fits the specs you listed to 100% are Sharp IM-MT880/MT899. That one are not longer avalible in stores (we are all waiting for the new Sharp NetMD model to hit the market) so if you want one now, second hand is the only way.
  9. Ideal would be Sharp DR7 (called DR470 in Europe) but it's a bit over your butget. Second choise would be Sharp MT290 as it got mic in and on the fly adjust rec level (MT270 don't). Downside of MT290 is the size, quite bulky. Also look into second hand makret, you may get a nice MD for a good price. My second hand price rule is not to pay more that half price of current model at cheapest retail store. However, at the end of the day it comes down to supply and demand. Sharp MT99 and MT190 are two nice models that have the fetures you want. I got a MT99 and are very pleased with it. Take a look at this page to find out what model fits your purpose and purs: http://www.minidisc.org/equipment_browser.html What ever model you go for, do get a Sharp. Current Sony models are a sorry excuse for a mic recording unit. Also with a Sharp you don't realy need a mic pre amp. With a good mic it will sound great anyway.
  10. If I only wanted a player and no need for live recording I would go for the Noki mp3 player. If it's cost is "next to nothing" then it's nothing to wonder about.
  11. Strange as this is the newest MD player from Sharp. Btw you know it's a player only model, with no recording feature?
  12. You got it right, only way to transfer music from MD is in real time via line out/phone and to line in on your PC (NetMD can only go from PC to MD and not the other way around). Use a sound editor like www.goldwave.com or Cool Edit (www.syntrillium.com), also a direct mp3 encoder (www.lapsaudio.com) can be useful to record with. Sony MZ-R700 are non NetMD, it don't have microphone sensitivity switch either. So if he want to record with a microphone and not only via line in from a mix deck this model is a no go. Any MDLP + mic in model from Sharp is a better unit to get. Any disc recorded can be played by any other MD unit as long as it have support for MDLP (if the disc was recorded in that mode that is). If it is recorde in SP, any MD can play it.
  13. A little of topic prehaps but still something that live MD users may know. I have recorded some live shows onto my minidisc and want to make audio CD out of em. What I need is a software that can open a large .wav or .mp3 file that have the whole show (700mb wav or 100mb mp3) and let me point out were the mark between the tracks are at. This without having to clip the file into several seperat ones as Nero Wave Edit does. When that is done I want to edit CD Text info and then burn (or generate a image file) a Audio CD without gaps like a retail live CD. Is there a program that can do this out there? I have search many site but no one seems to list this as a special feature. Here is one of the sites I visited in my quest: http://www.audiotoolsdirect.com/ Any hint are realy appreciated.
  14. That's right Pocketbass, you can hardly hear the loss frequency with that Sony mic. As noted a better (more expensive) mic will deliver better sound but then you may wanna record on a non compressed format like DAT to make the most of it. For MD it's just fine. It's also possible to boost bass when transfering to PC with MD eq. semifamous, it's a nice setup of gear you got now. A Sony ECM-DS70P mic for $50 is what I call a bargin. Experiment with various mic location while you record, best sound is usualy possible when the mic is high up. On a stick would be best but a base ball cap on your head may do the trick. I have however recorded with ok results with the mic clipped on my jeans pocket. Remember to stand still. If you turn, the mic will also turn and sound is dropped. Particular stand still and not move your head if you mount the mic on your head. Don't look down all the time to check recording progress. Best location to stand is usualy just infront of the mix deck. There you get the best overall sound level and most of the times there are no large crowd shouting there. One major drawback when recording a concert is that you who do the recording must sacrifice your concert experience. Stand still, not shout or chear. Not jumping and clapping. If you have taken the time and effort to record, it wouldn't be nice to only hear you singin along. Good luck.
  15. Yes I think you will be happy with that Sony mic. Natuarly you can find a better one but what I have found is that quality vs price is a square ratio, a two time better mic cost four times as much and so on. Also keep in mind that you may loose your stuff, the security guards can confiscate it. They usualy take your discs and batteries, sometimes also the mic but never heard of anyone loosing the MD. You got a nice MD, only flaw that one have is that you must see both display on remote and unit to set rec level. Remote have a peak scale and on unit is only a numeric. Between step 20 and 21 is the low/high mic switch. With a Sharp you don't need a powerd mic. If you can't find that Sony mic with cord you can get an inexpensive male/female extension cord to use with it.
  16. I use M3U2Sburner -> Daemon Tools -> Simple Burner so I have no check in/out nags. So there are alredy ways to get around this limitation.
  17. Yes it's true. No data is transferd when a song is checked in, only write protection removed and song deleted. I don't think you can compare DVD with MD technique like that. $ony has protected there ATRAC system more and if anyone tryes to modify it I'm sure that $ony lawyer are hitting down on em like a fly on poo-poo.
  18. I don't have a battery box myself but from what I have read and heard, yes it can be to low even for that plugged into line in. If you only gonna record loud rock conserts it will probobly work but again, it's nice to have the option to plug into mic in if it's to low.
  19. I do the same thing and no problems, so I don't think that's it got to do with your MD or PC. When you plug MD to line in on PC you should hear the MD play (if you press play on it that is) on your PC speakers right away. Make sure that Line In is not muted in volume control and set the slider to 80% Here's what it looks on my PC: I mute line in and mic when I don't use them to avoid noice.
  20. Try AV-Land http://www.avland.co.uk/microphone/index.htm They sell to UK only.
  21. Since you have a battery box you probobly don't need a mic in, no remote avalible on that model. However If I were looking for a MD to record live shows with I would like those extra features so I'd go for the MT-190, you never know what happens at a recording session. You can start/pause recording from remote. Maybe the sound are to low even for a battery box so you must plug into mic in? Always nice to have options. At the bottom line it's a question of money, if you can get a MT-180 for $50 USD then do but I wouldn't wanna pay any more than that.
  22. LP4 will be better than a low encoded mp3, under 112kbit. Since most mp3 nowdays are 192kbit and better you can't hope to have better sound than any mp3, just low quality mp3. I have some MD discs in LP4 and they sound good to me, and to put 320 minutes on one disc are great.
  23. sudden

    Copyright problem

    I have never stumbled accross this error, here what I'll would do. Convert mp3 to wave and import the waves to MD. Simple and .wav don't have any copy protection.
  24. Unfortunately a ac adapter is no option if I want to record a live bootleg. This can't be normal, must be something wrong with either our machines or with Sony.
  25. Quality wise I think you can compare a mp3 in 320kbit as a SP mindisc, mp3 in 192kbit = LP2 and mp3 in 112kbit = LP4. Just to give you an idea of the sound deterioration trough the modes.
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