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Fat Tires

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Fat Tires last won the day on February 12 2014

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About Fat Tires

  • Birthday 03/21/1972

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    Christ, my family, cycling, music, and gadgets.

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  1. The site is currently down, but I believe that Kohn has backups of everything and we can bring it back at some point if there is someone who can help us with migrating off vbulletin to some other platform that would be more suitable for our purposes. I looked into SMF for a short while, but I don't have the time at the moment into delving too heavily into the task. If you're interested in helping, please reach out to me via PM here or on the Facebook group. My name is Ben Chacko. Thanks for your interest. I too love the old Audio TBoard and miss it.
  2. I really need to update my initial impressions of the PCM-D50 thread that I posted last year. Until then, feel free to read the thread over at the TBoard. Unfortunately for those of you who aren't members of that forum, you'll need to jump through a couple of hoops in order to post over there. You will need to contact me via PM over here and let me know what your username over there is after you join. I can let you through the gates into the forum. I hate that we had to lock down registrations, but the spammers have gotten so bad that the mod staff just can't keep up with them. Let me know that you want in and I'll OK you. For those that don't want to join, you can feel free to read the thread since we haven't and won't lock down viewing ability.
  3. Are you saying that you were not able to view threads prior to my confirming your access?
  4. Thanks for the quick answer to Levanel's question WoZ. WoZ is right, we had to lock down posting access to deal with the spam we were getting. It was not only annoying but the spammers were often posting obscene images. This was not an easy decision for our staff since we knew that some legitimate folks might get locked out in the process. We've since upgraded to the current version of our forum software and we're sorting through things so we can re-open the access. Levanel and anyone else who wants access to the TBoard, please email me directly and I'll free up your accounts. My email is "nismo96 [at] gmail.[com]". We're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
  5. Bwil bought a RH1 from me. His payment was swift and his communication was perfect. I'd gladly do business with him again.
  6. This recorder is priced for a quick sale to a member of the MD community. PM me and let's get this unit into your hands. Don't make me go to eBay.
  7. There are still some discs left. PM me with an offer.
  8. I've added pictures to the original post. Don't miss your chance to own this terrific recorder.
  9. I'm selling my MZ-RH1 because it doesn't see much use at all. I have taken good care of it throughout it's life and it's in beautiful shape. I'll include two spare batteries, a small microphone, and some new HiMD blanks. The AC charger, stock headphones and all original accessories are included as well. SOLD PM me if you'd like to buy it.
  10. WAU808 is a great buyer. He pays quickly and is on top of communication. Thanks for a great deal!
  11. I still have the TDK PoSHE, Clef, MD-RXG, and Sony Neige discs. PM me with an offer that you think is fair.
  12. There are just a few left. Contact me if you'd like to buy them.
  13. A few more discs have been sold. Feel free to make an offer on the remaining discs.
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