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Fat Tires

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Everything posted by Fat Tires

  1. Wouldn't the NH900 be a better choice if a 1750mW gumstick and 2500mw AA were used? It'd kill the NH1 in battery life. I wonder if there's an easy way to estimate what battery life would be with that much power?
  2. This thread has served it's usefulness.
  3. Tony, I was responding to your query.
  4. Although it's never happened to a CD I've owned, I've seen a few CD that were ruined by sitting in a hot car on a summer day. Heat from the Sun can ruin almost anything made of plastic, including CDs.
  5. Yes, Tony's right about this being in the wrong forum.
  6. This thread belongs in our Software Support section. It has been moved.
  7. Putting titles on tracks has become much easier with the advent of NetMD though.
  8. Now THAT'S dedication to the forum and the format. The MDCF isn't even my hompage, but it is in my quick access Personal Toolbar in Firefox though.
  9. Thank you for clarifying your viewpoint in your last sentence. Please refrain from using such large fonts in the future. They are unnecessary and can be frustrating to those who view the forums at a lower resolution.
  10. Heh, KJ, I'm pretty lazy about small files transfers like that. I just email the files to myself and check my email on the other PC. If I'm moving files between PCs at home I just move them via my small home network.
  11. No. No NetMD or earlier MD player/recorder/downloader can be used for data storage. They aren't capable of it in anyway. Several people have hacked their units and gotten many feature, but data storage on MD media has never happened until Hi-MD came along.
  12. Another point to consider is that no one would force an individual to use the entire capacity of any media. Just record/dub/transfer what you want and leave the rest blank if you want.
  13. Like Atrain, I view the ability to store files on an MD as a bonus feature, not the primary focus of my Hi-MD unit. With that said, it's nice to have around. Now with that said, Sony wanted there to be a MD based PC storage media years ago. The tried and failed with Data-MDs. There's nothing wrong with using Hi-MD for data storage.
  14. Frankly, the more music I can carry with me the better it is. One thing I like about my MP3/ATRAC3Plus CD player is that I can carry around 7oomb of music with me. Why would I want any less than the same or greater kind of capacity for my MD unit?
  15. Sony and other companies release units with weak amps because most nice headphones that are designed for portable use can be driven by these weak amps. Battery life is a priority to some folks and they will wisely search for efficient phones to use with their players.
  16. Sadly I think converting from ATRAC t oMP3 would be impossible, at least through Sonicstage. You'll have to burn an Audio CD from SS with you music on it.
  17. Fat Tires

    Ipod Bashing

    Now that everyone has had their say I can't this thread doing anything other but going downhill so I'm locking it. Remember everyone, MD isn't for everyone, neither is the iPod. Fell free to discuss all audio formats, but play nice.
  18. I sold my Sharp DR480 to Sharpo51 and he was a great person to deal with. Thanks for a great transaction. I hope that you'll enjoy the recorder as much as I have.
  19. USB drives are far more compact as well.
  20. Fat Tires

    Ipod Bashing

    Fast Eddie has pretty much summed up my feelings on the issue. Cori, you say that field recording is the only reason to choose MD over an iPod. That's not even close to true. A primary reason as to why I stick with MD is it's better battery life. I get many more hours of use out of my MD gear than I ever did out of my iPod. Another benefit to me is the removable battery, then there's the fact that the sound quality of an MD is superior to an iPod to me. When I caefully choose efficient headphones, I have no complaints about low volumes. You're right Cori, there's no need to bash any format here at the MDCF, or any other site. I suggest to remove the log from your own eye before you comment on the twig in someone else's. You're guilty of more instances of format bashing than any other person I've seen at this forum. This isn't meant as an insult. At times your advice was well spoken and very helpful, other times it showed obvious bias. That's just my two cents worth.
  21. Well, the title DOES include the word ridiculous in it...
  22. On that last note, don't our allies compete with us economically? I swear I saw my companys local field engineer with an Aprilla (Italian) motorcycle on his driveway. I guess he should've bought a Buell. As a nation we're opening our relations with China and Vietnam these days. They will be allies eventually, whether you and I like it or not. As for your other points regarding conservation and the evils of a disposable society, I couldn't agree more.
  23. I took a look. The Creamcycle themes didn't "do it" for me. I like the Refault Fluid theme.
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