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Everything posted by krhainos

  1. why envy iceedtea? having a forum with one active member is as fun as having conversation with a wall.
  2. New IP address maybe, and the DNS hasn't propogated yet? I still can't get to it :shock:
  3. I don't believe there's any software that can do that -- although I'd feel safer if the SCMS stripper was a hardware pass-through type thing, for just $50 I'd go for one of the DIY kits listed under Hacking on the MD Community page.
  4. I'm thinking of getting pre-preferated MD labels from MiniDisc Access, anyone have experience with these? They're kinda costly at $8 per 24-pack -- and doesn't Avery give you like 50 sheets for $12? I don't mind cutting, If I go Avery I'd like to have something that could print the "Cut here" stuff. http://www.minidiscaccess.com/item.html?PRID=133385
  5. The number one irritating part about trackmarks from a optical-equipped computer is -- that there are none. Only CD decks seem to be able to send out a ping or a chirp or something that signals a trackmark instead of a pause in the music stream. Like if you're listning to a CD that likes to blend the songs togather so there's not pause, you'll likely just get one big ol' track thats 70-some minutes long. :wink:
  6. I myself have a Yamaha DP-U50, it has optical in and out, I could possibly find out if it does the passthrough deal you're talking about. Just tell me what I should do and I'll put up the result -- If you're looking for somethign that'll strip SCMS like the Extigy, this thing won't do it. The box pimps "SCMS COMPATIBLE!!" right next to "Extensive digital connections!" I had an Extigy too, I sold it to get the Yamaha CAVIT unit. It was pretty good with the MiniDisc Center utility, if anyone wants it I got it to install on non-Creative-device-runnign computers. It's better than winamp and does queing and xx-Second pause liek a charm. All I have to do is set the USB Xitel DG2 as default sound device and it works beautifully.
  7. I currently have the Koss UR-20s, granted they probably don't sound as good as the Eggo D66s, but they sound tons beter than the stock headphones that MD units are prone to include. Also if you're handy with the soldering iron, the Koss US-20s are rather easy to cut n' tailor into Remote-friendly cable lengths -- as for non-MD use a 'headphone extension cable' from RadioShack works well
  8. Hmm .. I prefer labelling by hand though .. It's more fun (to me anyway) that way For actual albums, I usually draw the band logo and then album name, if it's a mix I'll put a pretty drawing on it like so : The black looks kinda washed out becuase i scanned it, it actually looks a lot blacker and bolder when seen in person. And it's a FujiFilm label it doesn't fill the whle 'label groove' provided :x The picture was from an old 1994 cartoon "SWAT Kats : The Radical Squadron" --hehheh.
  9. Remote? Like in wireless? You could pick up a Logitech Wireless Keyboard for like $30 on eBay..
  10. krhainos

    types of discs

    Well the only problem I've run into with Memorex discs was, sometimes if you remove a disc too quickly the shutter stays open. Aside from that, I've had no problems -- Other brands I've tried were Sony's "Color Collection", and some TDKs
  11. I told a friend who has an MZ-N610CK, and I'll probably be applying the hack to it, with the method mentioned about -- I mentioned the remote issues on MD T-boards but, I'll mention it here again: MZ-N610 with original radio-lcd remote: - able to set Bass/Treble by holding down 'Sound' - able to title songs by holding down 'Display' MZ-N610 with RM-MC11EL : - cannot title or set Bass/Treble. MZ-R700 with RM-MC11EL (hacked to R900) : - holding down Display gets you titling options, M-Timer, PDM, and Speed - holding down Sound lets you adjust Bass/Treble *- without the hack, holding down Display just titled, and holding down Sound did nothing, it just toggled Bass 1 and 2 I was going to get an MZ-N510 until this issue, maybe with the hack it'll perform different. I'll post my smashing discoveries and finds here.
  12. Best decision I ever made -- buying an MZ-R500 2 or 3 years ago when I was looking for a more portable audio player. I was going to get a Creative Nomad or Diamond Rio but the $60 memory cards didn't sound too appetizing. The battery life was good, the storage medium was cheap, and i knew the RIAA would be pulling MP3 raids in the future, and I didn't want to be caught with 8 months of music on my hard drive either. As for now, I would still recommend MD as a portable audio format since MP3 players cost just as much and the battery life is longer and the storage is still decently cheap(er). I would recommend hard-drive-based players if : the hard drive and/or battery was replacable easily (seriously, what are you going to do if either one of those vital components died) and the if the battery life was greater than a single-digit number of hours :wink:
  13. w0rd. the company Sony in general is too big for it's own good -- if Sony was just Sony Electronics, I don't think they'd be facing this problem. Sony Pictures and Sony Music is pretty much slapping the Electronics department around particularly in MD, since they practically can do whatever they want with it -- while their other stuff like VAIO PCs and CD Walkmans, the x86 standard and the Red Book audio CD already dictated those standards for them -- while MD technology is free to change for their own liking. It *is* unfortunate that Sony Music's move towards DRM-enabled MD products, but there's really not a whole lot we can do. The "Most Confusing Product" award goes to Sony's Network Walkman -- why does it exist? You have the ATRAC3 conversion hassle, just like NetMD, it's as small as a tiny memmory-based MP3 player, but it has triple the price. I'd rather get a 20GB iPod then pay for a 256MB "MP3-compatible" player
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