Amen to that! I do use mp3 a LOT, but not as much as some people(I have about 4 gigs of mp3s, anywhere from 64kbps stereo to 322kbps VBR). MP3 is a beautiful thing, but WMA is the devil itself, just like mayonnaise.
Another interesting item to see would be mp3 DVD players. If they could play just mp3 DVD's, they shouldn't be too expensive compared to a high level CD player, and you could then put 4.7 gig of mp3's on a disc, instead of 700 meg. Do the math -
MP3 format @ 1 meg/minute of audio=700 min/cd=11 hr 40 min on a cd
MP3 format @ 1 meg/minute of audio=4700 min/DVD= 78 hr 20 min on a DVD
Now, I know that sounds kind of impractical, but if a DVD mp3 player was about $80 US, and a DVD-R drive about $100, that's still 70 bucks less than an iPod mini with slightly more storage.
Maybe I'm just crazy, who knows?