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  1. i don't think so unless the latest windows media player 10 has it which i doubt :laugh:
  2. i think there was one at the t board
  3. if you want to upload it on a computer i sugggest u get one of those dictaphones or something
  4. what ive noticed is that with the RM-Mc33EL on my R909 is that the folder buttons make it go on repeat etc so the RM-MC11EL is what i stuck to
  5. im not too sure, lol i stll havent got a chance to use the cradle yet, lousy strong battery :laugh:
  6. Ok, you are doing somehting wrong then, do you know how to make an image recorder, cos you need to place the image file on it
  7. my friend has a MZ-N1 and he tells me that when he recorded on it some music from the internet, it made the disc blank, uh, i might go use search :rasp:
  8. have you tried encoding it in MP3? hmm actually it might have some sort of protection, but if u use search on these boards, im sure you will find a way pass it
  9. http://umsis.miami.edu/~nblack1/ss2/
  10. nexgod

    HELP !!!!

    use Duracell?? could be RAM, but i dont know
  11. nexgod

    HELP !!!!

    http://www.imageshack.us/ use this site to upload your pics man :smile: i cant see anything cept the 50megs forbidden thingy
  12. nexgod

    HELP !!!!

    lookin at pics will tell u prob if i know
  13. try ebay or go to like a sharp shop?
  14. and reimport the ones u want it may work, not sure since this shouldnt happen with SS2
  15. why dont u use NETMD simple burner?
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