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Everything posted by jernikfra

  1. Well I've tried to sell these here before and even on ebay.Surprisingly, i've had no luck.So i'm trying for hopefully the last time.I've reduced the price of this great little player and matching earphones to $100 US.They will not sell for one penny less! Both are like new in packaging.you will think they have never been used before.includes all original accessories.no scratches anywhere to speak of!
  2. I've listed these items before, but thought I would re-list them one last time to try and sell them to my fellow MD fans and forum members here before they go on ebay.They are all in original boxes, with all accessories, manuals and packaging.They are even in original plastic bags with twist-ties! You will think they are brand new. They have not a single blemish anywhere, and they all work perfectly and always have.All batteries get full charges, and AC adapters are multi voltage.They have never been repaired.Items are as follows: 1 Sharp MD-DS30a Portable MD player in Light Blue...asking $100 Canadian 1 Pair Sharp HP-MD33s 4-Pole earphones in Silver...asking $25 Canadian (will only be sold with one of the above units) 1 M-Audio C03 Digital format converter/SCMS Remover...asking $250 Canadian (used less than 10 times)
  3. Well I've got this Silver Sharp IM-DR580, imported form Japan for sale.I got it just before I found out about the MZ-RH1, so it never really got used.I probably recorded with it maybe a dozen times.It has been sitting unused for a while now.i really hate to part with it, but i just never use it anymore.I'm sure someone will get many years of enjoyment out of it.It is like brand new.Not a single blemish anywhere.It comes complete in the box with all accessories.Again, I bet you will think it has never been used.$200 Canadian Dollars.I also still have a Sharp MD-DS30 player in light blue for $100, and a pair of the legendary Sharp HP-MD33S.I also have a MD related item in an M-Audio C03 digital format converter/SCMS remover.Also shown are a pair of Kenwood Omni-A5 powered speakers.I don't have any use for them anymore.All are like new.
  4. I was wondering if someone could please explain to me how my MZ-RH1's recording level can go so far past it's 0db point (number 23 on it's 0-30 scale) without making the over indicators light up.I recently got two CD's by the same artist.One is from 1991, the other from 1997.When I tested the CD to MD digital recording level on my Sony CMT-M333NT micro system, both CD's made the "over" indicator light up at anything past the reference 0db level.The Two CD's were vastly different in volume though, as expected the 1997 one was way louder.So recorded them both at 0db onto MD, and ended up with an MD with the different levels.I then tried the same thing using my MZ-RH1, and managed to get the recording level of the CD from 1991 up to 28 (equivalent to +5dB) before the over indicators started to flicker. I thought that recording levels indicators were universal.How can two machines from the same brand behave so differently? Will distortion show up only in playback when i'm using high recording levels that still don't show up as going over? Any help on this matter would be awesome...thanks!
  5. Not sure where thsi question belongs...but here goes, A simple question about the various USB to optical adapters that are available.Are they outputting pure digital sound, in other words, just converting the plug type, or are they analog audio going through an a/d converter and becoming digital? any info would be great.I have an Onkyo UD-5 USB to optical converter...
  6. I'm trimming down my MD collection, and this great portable player has to go.I rally hate to part with it, since it's just so cute (sort of like my Japanese girlfriend) but I have three portables which is way overkill.Anyways, it comes complete in box, with all accessories and packaging.The battery still gets full charge.It has no blemishes whatsoever and has always worked perfectly.I have repacked it so carefully you will think it is new. As a bonus you will get an aiwa hip case with a belt loop that fits the player perfectly, even with external battery case attacheATRAC3.zipd. $125 Canadian Dollars...
  7. Well I just got a new laptop to replace my 3 year old one.I was very careful to get one with Windows XP so as to still be able to use all my MD goodies.My old PC was also XP and my CMT-M333NT micro system worked perfectly with the M-Crew software.Now my new one keeps saying equipment not responding whenever i try to open m-crew.but my old one still works with xp...weird.any body have any explanations or advice? Is it the older version that it is compatible with and the new xp isn't? It downloaded and installed no problem...thanks
  8. Well I posted another question about a similar subject regarding copying md's.I quit uploading in SP since I learned it was only fake SP.This time I'm asking opinions on which of the following methods is better for sound quality for copying md's: 1.Real 292kbps SP MD uploaded as PCM to Sonicstage, then played on PC and sent through usb to optical adapter and re-recorded digitally onto another MD, scms being lost in translation this way. or... 2.Real 292kbps SP MD recorded to another MD through optical connection and an scms stripper.The old school way.If this is no better than the above method, then I can sell my scms stripper which is worth a fair chunk at $300 CDN. I think the best method for what I want to do is still the now ancient and impossible to find MDS-W1 dual MD deck which claims to make bit for bit digital copies of md's.The only downside is it actually moved the md or song onto the other one, and erased it form the original, something the methods above don't.So i guess nothing is perfect. Any thoughts or explanations would be appreciated...thanks! Jeremy
  9. The converter is an onkyo ud-5, a few years old...you can still find them on ebay.You just use the supplied mzrh1 usb cable and plug it into your pc, you then go out of pc with usb to optical converter.As i mentioned above, the output only works with hi-md discs, something i am confused about.perhaps a veteran can explain it.when you have a himd disc the optical digital signal comes through usb converter, but nothing comes through analog out.when you play a standard sp md nothing comes through usb to optical converter, but it comes through analog out.this is very strange since they are both pcm signals.for any body who has himd discs, you are in luck. someone should invent a fake usb host.that way you could go directly out of your mzrh1 with usb to optical, without needing a pc.it would trick your mzrh1 into thinking it is seeing a pc, but actually isn't.maybe something like this alreayd exists.any more info on the subject would be great.everyone with an mzrh1 and a usb to optical converter should try this out!
  10. Oops, just tried it with an sp disc, and it doesn't work! Forgot to mention in my last post that the disc that it works with is a hi-md disc.I find this pretty strange.Why would a himd md come through, but slience with a sp recorded md? anyone have any thoughts on this? O hwell their are still two other methods...
  11. Well my previous post was about plugging my usb to optical output adapter into the usb jack on my mzrh1, which didn't produce that little red light i was hoping it would.I then decided to hook up the mzrh1 via usb to my pc, open sonicstage, play a track from the mzrh1 using sonicstage control and listen through the usb to optical adapter, plugged into the optical input on my sony cmt-m333nt micro system.Well it works, and best of all i recorded the song without a glitch! so you can make md to md digital recordings this way.i tried copying songs recorded through usb and through optical input form bith pc and sound system.all worked perfectly.I guess my scms stripper and old mdss38 with optical output are now redundant.i'm now planning to do some listening test to determine any differences in sound quality between the 3 different ways you can copy md's: 1.sp md to sp md through optical connection and through scms stripper, ye olde school way. 2.sp md uploaded to sonicstage in pcm, then played on sonicstage, and through usb to optical adapter into optical input.(scms is ignored this way) 3.sp md played in sonicstage through usb out of mzrh1 or other into pc, and through usb to optical adapter into optical input.(scms is ignored this way) the method i described above. everyone should try it, it works great.
  12. Just wondering if anyone has any theories or experience with the myriad of kbps settings for importing a cd into sonicstage music library.which of the settings, besides the obvious wav is the best? atrac, atrac lossless, mp3, aac, etc...I'll be storing cd's i don't own onto my PC hard drive so they are there incase i need to record them again.I'll be using the usb to optical cable to listen and if necessary to re-record them onto md.Don't do the fake SP download anymore.I always record at 292 kbps in SP.Only my mzrh1 is himd compatible and some of my decks are non mdlp, so i'm an old school SP kinda dude, it sounds great anyhow.I assume that any of the kbps rates in the 300 range are all i need, since i'll always only end up with 292kbps, unless i go and store cd' as wav, record in PCM onto himd, and have to replace almost every piece i own with imported himd units, which would be very expensive and is pretty unlikely...thansk for any help or info.The responses and explanations i've gotten here have been very informative and well written, thansk to all forum members for their vast knowledge and advice!
  13. Ok, so i've been experimenting alot with my new mzrh1, and today came up with the somewhat crazy idea of attaching my onkyo ud-5 usb to optical adapter to the usb jack ob the mzrh1, i needed a usb coupler to do this, so i went mzrh1 mini usb output to usb coupler, to ud-5 usb to optical adapter, and played a disc.Unfortunately no little red light came through the optical jack I thought it probably wouldn't work, but i was quietly hoping it would, since the usb is bi-directional and the unit sends digital data through this plug.It works from my computer, not from mzrh1 though.any explanations why it doesn't work would be appreciated, i assume i'm not the first person to try this, maybe just the first forum member to admit to trying it...
  14. Well those darn Copy Controlled "CD's" are a real pain, they won't let you make digital copies of the CD's you payed good money for.I tried a new method of beating them and it worked! I use to play them through my computers cdrom drive and then out through my usb to optical adapter into optical input on md recorder.that worked, but the problem was the software that played the CD's limited them to 192kbps, so i was already losing way too much quality.Then i bought my mzrh1 and have set the MD simple burner as the default player for Cd's.So i can play the CD's using MD simple burner, get the gracenote info, and get what sounds to me like better quality than the onkyo 192 kbps software that came with my usb to optical adapter.The best part was the copy control garbage gets thrown out in the process! Sweet! I tried playing a copy controlled cd through an scms stripper and then onto md with optical connections, but the scms stripper let me reocrd, but the songs had gaps in them so it didn't really work... If anybody thinks that I am not getting any better than 192kbps through this md simple burner to usb to optical method, please let me know! I'm hoping someone can explain if am or not...
  15. Wow...thats quite the explanation...i'm pretty impressed you took the time to explain it so well.I now understand.Here's another method I though of for moving one md to another... 1.1411 kbps CD recording to 292kbps MD SP. 2.Uploading that song to PC in PCM with mzrh1. 3.Playing that song using Sonicstage through my onkyo UD-5 USB to Optical adapter and recording it onto another MD deck's optical digital input in SP mode. Based on what you said above, this would be one step better than doing the version you explained so well above.I guess the md to md digital method is still better since you bypass the sp to pcm conversion, but like you said, it doesn't sound any better or worse making into PCM.Luckily i can use all methods, so i'm ok doing whatever method works best.I'll avoid the sp download from now on. Lastly...noticed you live in Belgium.Just a note to say i spent 4 great years between the ages of 8 and 12 living at 6 Clos D'orleans, Woluwe st-pierre in Brussels from 1980-84.My dad was a canadian diplomat, so the family was always moving around.I went to the british school for 1 year and then le verseau belgian school for the last three.I learned real french there, not the crap they speak in quebec.
  16. i'm confused...you're saying md sp/292kbps to pc is actually sent at lp2 128 kbps, then made into pcm? i did the search you suggested, but the only result i got was your post which i'm replying to.i've recorded some cd's onto hi-md in pcm and then uploaded them to my pc in pcm, so i can store them on the hard drive in original format. but if i understand what you've said above, maybe i'm not getting what i think i am...
  17. i notice a very small difference between sp and lp2, none between the methods above.which method do you think should sound better?
  18. Just wondering if anyone has any theories on if recording digitally from an MD to another MD through an scms remover is better or is it better to upload SP recordings to your PC at PCM and then download to another MD at SP.I have done listening test comparing the two and have been unable to detect sound quality difference. I even uploaded an MD SP song to PC at PCM and then recorded it from the connect library through the USb to optical adapter to MD at SP.anyways, never noticed any difference, maybe my ears can't notice a difference, perhaps someone elses ears can and would let us all know.I assume USB transfers are all digital, so I can't see much difference between various methods.Any info would be great.Thanks !
  19. Please forgive me for accidentally posting my last post so many times.I'm pretty new to this, and didn't realise, going back to edit would cause each post to show up.Won't happen again.Administrator:Please delete my first three posts! Learned my lesson.Thanks in advance! Don't kick me off the forums please, I love MD's! I've got another question I was hoping someone could answer.For a while now I have been doing digital copies of digital recordings from one MD deck to another MD deck through optical connections.I won't go into details on how i do this, lets just say, that dreaded SCMS is easy to defeat.the question i had is regarding audio quality.I'v done many listening tests to determine any difference between the original MD and the digital copy.i have been unable to notice any difference between master and slave.they both sound awesome. I assume that is is due to two reasons. 1.A digital recording will sound the same as the source, since it is digital, and 2.The recording deck has nothing left to throw away.In other words, when the original recording was made, the atrac circuit kept all the relevant music, and threw away the stuff you can't hear.When the 2nd deck was given the digital signal, their was nothing left to throw away, since it had already been done first time around, so it just copied bit for bit the signal and now we have succesfully moved the song to another md and kept the original also.Hoping someone is also doing this and can shed some light on this. I have done an experiment doing the above with a song and then comparing it's quality to the same song, an SP digital recording uploaded from an MZRH1 to sonicstage in PCM, and then downloaded in SP to and MD. I was again unable to notice a difference in quality. My next experiment will be to compare that same digital copy of an MD, this time to an SP digital recording uploaded from an MZRH1 to sonicstage in PCM, and then digitally recorded from the USB to optical output adapter of my computer to the optical input of an MD deck in SP.Will let people know the results!
  20. OK, so I've been a minidisc fan for 10 years now and have lots of equipment.In 1999 I got my first deck with digital recording level adjustment.Now all of my units have it and they all have the standard ...-1, 0db, +1db... recording level numbers, which easliy point out where most CD's will cause the recorder to light up the "over" or clip indicator, telling you not to record over 0db. Now I've got an MZ-RH1 on test drive from the audio store where I work and it's got this strange 0-30 number, with no clear number indicating where 0 db lies.This is like an anlogue recording level adjustment, not the normal digital one I am used to.I've done many exhausting listening tests trying to find out where the 0db number lies and have pretty much confirmed that it is the number 23 out of the 0-30 level.The way I came to this conclusion is by digitally recording the same passage of a song from a CD (Lauren Christy from 1993) onto one of my recorders.This CD makes all my recorders clip at even +1db, even though the CD's recording is actually not that loud, compared to most current CD's which also distort at anything past 0db, but sound much louder than the Lauren Christy one.I then did the same song and passage digital recording onto an MZ-RH1 at levels 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and even 30.I played each song at their different levels over and over again through headphones, and erased each one song that was either louder or quieter to my ears that the song recorded at 0db on another recorder.When I was finished I was left with the song recorded at level 23 on the MZ-RH1.The strange thing was that the clip indicator only occasionally lit up when the recording level was set at 30, or maximum on the MZ-RH1, equivalent to about +7db on other machines.Meanwhile, all my other recorders had their clip lights go on at even +1db on this CD.At +7db the clip indicator would have been going crazy.Needless to say I find this very strange.On one hand I like this, since I could theoretically re-record a whole bunch of my MD's and get a louder level and a more evenly recorded MD, without getting a clip indicator from the MZ-RH1, like I get on all my other machines.On the other hand, it confuses me not to have a standard that every other machine I've used has.Perhaps other people have done a similar test.I'd be interested to know your results. Looking forward to your replies and experiences with this issue.Any help or explanations would be very helpful.Thanks!
  21. I paid $250 for this beautiful player imported from Japan a couple of years ago.I hate to part with it, but i got a Sharp portable recorder instead, so I no longer need it.It still looks brand new, with no scratches at all, and it has always worked perfectly. Anyways, it comes with all original accessories in it's original box, with all packaging and manuals. Also including an aiwa hip pouch with belt loop for it that fits the player even with external battery case attached.Here's a link about it: http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sharp_MD-DS30+DS70.html
  22. I am sorry to part with this great system, but 4 stereo systems in a 1 bedroom condo is absurd, so this one has to go.CD/MD/Tuner preamp plus matching 25 watt x 2 digital amplifier.It comes complete in original box with all accessories.It is in flawless shape, with no blemishes.It looks like new and has always worked flawlessly.It comes without speakers, but I have several speakers and subwoofers that you can match with it.I am also selling a pair of gorgeous Jamo graphic speakers that are a perfect match for this system.They look like they were made for it, since they are slim, black and have different coloured speaker grilles.$350 Canadian Dollars. http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/738...er_micro_system http://www.canuckaudiomart.com/details/738...peakersgorgeous SOLD APRIL 7th on CANUCK AUDIO MART.
  23. Sony MDS-JB930 Minidisc Recorder 2002-2004 1 $700 $700
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