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Everything posted by aeriyn

  1. :whatever: I just said that. Stop repeating what other people say, kthnx. :whatever:
  2. Not necessarily. His CD player home setup may not be as good at reproduction as his Hi-MD portable + 'phones. Or he may be using speakers at home, which I've found I can hear more actual music with my DS8 + MD33S (SP mode recordings) combo than I can with my PC speakers off a CD even though the music is compressed.
  3. Hi there. Welcome to the MDCF. :happy: Currently there is only one Hi-MD bookshelf system and zero decks. The bookshelf system is only sold in Japan at the moment, but I believe you can buy it or preorder it from some e-tailers. I dunno which. http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_LAM-X1.html That's the only non-portable Hi-MD unit in existence at this time.
  4. I'm looking around for a used, low priced MD deck. ATRAC 4.5 or Type R is a must. MDLP I don't care about. As long as it's ATRAC 4.5, it's all good. Optical out is not necessary, but would be nice. My price range is between 60-100USD.
  5. :laugh: Try using one of those flash memory USB thumbdrives. Cheaper, much faster (writing MO discs is slow) and a whole lot smaller.
  6. Doh. I still have SonicStage 2.0. :sleep: Don't use it for MD recording in any case. Can't make true SP MDs with SS, unfortunately. I knew though that SS2.0 and earlier had problems with decoding VBRs.
  7. Um, no shit. I said as much. I didn't know the actual reason why the batteries are designed like that. :whatever: Try not to repeat yourself overmuch, kthnxbai.
  8. Well, with VBR files, it's easy. If the MP3 states that it has a variable bit rate, it will likely not work with SonicStage and will have to be decoded to PCM before encoding in ATRAC is possible. With others, you'll just have to try it first and see. Sucks, but since when has Sony actually made a decent music management software suite? :laugh:
  9. Huh? I thought the whole point of this thread was on the difficulties of titling/editing tracks on the actual MD unit, and a possible way to get around that. My mistake, sorry. :laugh:
  10. Hi there. Welcome to the MDCF. Next time don't double post, kthnx. :whatever: Anyhow. What you probably have is MP3s that have variable bit rates (VBR) or were encoded by an MP3 encoder that writes the RIFF header first (SS's MP3 decoder, for some unholy reason, requires that the MPEG header be located at 0 bytes...). SonicStage's MP3 decoder is horrible. Unfortunately, you will not be pleased. The only solution to this is as your searches dictated; to take your no-worky MP3s and pull them into a sound editing program to decode them back into linear PCM (.wav format). Then import the .wav tracks into SonicStage and encode them in ATRAC3+. It might take a while, but it should work perfectly. :happy:
  11. aeriyn

    MZN-10 Problems

    Damn. Sounds like you've got bigger problems than I can fix. :sleep: Almost all of the problems I ever had with my N10 I could fix by flipping the battery switch. Mostly the same for my other MD recorder: almost all problems I've had with my R900 I could fix by removing the gumstick battery, except for the interesting time where I dropped it from a pretty good height and something inside, perhaps the optical-pick up block, got knocked out of alignment and the unit refused to play. A friend of mine fixed it; works still even after almost four years of very hard use. Sorry it didn't work.
  12. Gumstick batteries are rather difficult to find unless you order online. Finding them at a local retailer (in Alabama no less) is most noteworthy.
  13. Ack, sorry, my mistake. :happy: Qwakrz is correct about Type-S DSP.
  14. Well, I dunno. The codec is better, it uses a larger window size (1024 for ATRAC and 4096 for ATRAC3+), but to my ears they sound about the same; both indistinguishable from CD audio on my admittedly substandard equipment. Although it is interesting to note that with my Shure E2cs in a very quiet room with my eyes closed, I can tell between Hi-SP (from SS and my PC) and PCM easier than I can tell SP (from my DS8) from PCM.
  15. rofl you don't need another iPod! I need one! *wails*
  16. Ugh. I wish I had an NHF800 to give you. I'd so take that iPod off your hands. :laugh:
  17. aeriyn

    MZN-10 Problems

    Here's your solution. :happy: The Built-In Battery switch on the back... switch it off, and then turn it back on after about thirty seconds to a minute. Clears the unit's memory.
  18. When I get the pink mini to go with these E2cs, I'll post a picture. :laugh:
  19. You actually lose available space by using LP4 as opposed to Hi-SP. LP4 is 66kbit/sec ATRAC3 while Hi-LP is 64kbit/sec ATRAC3+. Thus, Hi-LP is actually slightly smaller, and it sounds a bit better. Damn Sony for not including a 192kbit/sec ATRAC3+. :whatever: The MZ-S1 is an ATRAC Type-R DSP. FYI, the ATRAC Type-R and Type-S DSPs are actually the encoding side for recordings done via the optical/line-in in realtime. This has no effect whatsoever on tracks encoded in SonicStage. The reason the NH1 sounds better is that its decoding DSP is better than the S1's, as well as the HD digital amp (supposedly). If the HD digital amp is anything like Sharp's Auvi 1-bit, then it is quite possible it makes a positive difference.
  20. Hi there. Welcome to the MDCF. :happy: Where do you live? If you live somewhere in Europe, the European model of the NH900 has a nerfed headphone output (3mW+3mW as opposed to 5mW+5mW). However, the NH1 has 5mW amp regardless of region. Also, you should try 'phones with a lower impedance (8 or 16 ohms). If you are using higher impeding 'phones (24 or 32 ohms) it will reduce your unit's overall volume.
  21. I got zee batteries in my hand right now. xP Took them a little over 2 weeks. Must be the whole shipping from China thing.
  22. Hi there. Welcome to the MDCF. :happy: The NF810 uses a universal 5-pin USB Mini B connector. It can be found at most electronics stores. Make sure you get the 5-pin, as the 4-pin will not fit. If you are unsure, bring your MD unit to the elecronics store and ask an employee to help you find one that will fit.
  23. I found all three of Utada Hikaru's full albums in less than two hours. I've been exposed to new artists because of soulseek. Ueto Aya, Aikawa Nanase (omg, ID:2 is the best CD evar, Aikawa Nanase pwns). Soulseek seems to have higher quality MP3s than most p2p clients, also. Most are 256 or 192kbit/sec and a good deal are lame-encoded. It's so easy for me to get local US music, but the only US music I like is typically underground and mainstream metal and some alternative (radiohead, a perfect circle, incubus). US pop is so brittney spears that it's pathetic. btw I'm going to the incubus concert here in a month, I'm taking my R900 and going to make a stealth recording of that bad boy. :laugh: Should be fun. ^^ Well, if I can find my R900. :whatever:
  24. ARGH. You are making me so jealous. When's the next time you're going to China? I want you to pick me up some CDs. :laugh:
  25. Well, when you think about it, it might take a while to ship from china or hong kong. Or maybe I just got ripped off of 20 bucks for 2 batteries. The ones I found are not all that high capacity (only 1200mAh) but they work, they were dirt cheap, and I have them now. My two cents. I'm trying to find those special Sony 1750mAh gumsticks... I know I've seen them before... :grin:
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