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  1. OK Ive had a bit of a re-think. Ive just got an NH1 off Evil-bay. Though Id like to get the RH1 I need to put the money towards a pair of sereo mikes. The reason I am buying stuff is because I had a bum-bag (fanny-pack) stolen containing a NH1 and some omni mikes.Now when I go to gigs I feel naked without my rig.
  2. Im interested in this but i live in the UK. Could you give me a price including shipping to the UK. If the item is marked down as a gift on the paperwork I think it would escape duties... probably. I could pay with Paypall. Wadayousay?
  3. Can anyone recomend a cheap source of 1Gig discs from the UK?
  4. How long before we get to download SS v 3.4 with the instaler from this site? Forgive my impatience.
  5. I think theres a direct relationship between brainlesness and lazyness.
  6. Aeriyn, Get your hands on a pair of Equation Audio RS20 (or the newer RS21s)and give them the test. Im no headphone expert but they blew me away listerning back to a gig I recorded afew days previously. Talk about a sence of space - I was transported back to the gig. People should know about these cans.
  7. Dex, Im trying to visualise the CD baffle thingie and can't concieve how the alligator clips are attached while at the same time are on opposite sides of the disc. And why the plasticine if you have a clip? Any chance of posting a digi snap ? I havnt actualy made it yet but I intend to modify a telescopic walking stick that I have.I usualy attach omnis to my shirt or jacket but the main draw back is (I'm a smoker) trying not to clear my throat - which is very annoying on playback. The walking stick has a round cork handle which unscrews to reveal a tripod mount which could easily house a wire (?) mike support when the handle is tightened back down. I envisage using this at outside events and festivals where no one is taking much notice and people are waving things around anyway. You could stick it in the ground if its a laying down laid back type gig, tape it to a marquee pole or wear it in a strap with an eyelet. Has anyone used the new type of battery box which is tiny and runs off a car-remote type 12v(?) battery? I assume it has no level adjustment or roll off.
  8. Sorry I thought the firts post said £7-8 not 7-8 euros! I still stand by the digi cam info though.
  9. Try Bluetin .com cheap at £4 a throw and package arrives marked as a gift.So no customs charges hopefully. Thier digital cameras are also the cheapest on the web.
  10. Youve probably worked thisout by now but if not; Cary out 1 2 and 3 then enter Rec mode Chose Manual Rec Then use the Vol to set the rec level. This has to be re-set every time you stop the MD - so use pause instead. I dont hane the MdD here soI hope i remember correctly.
  11. OK, the MZNH900 gives you the option of adding a bulky AA adaptor which would enable you to record a four day music festival with out recourse to mains charging but you could get extra gumstrip bats for the NH1 and charge them up ready. If you intend to do any recording in dark clubs,before going for the 900 give serious consideration to the darkness of its screen and the illegibility of the text - compared to what we are used to this aspect is a aerious backward step,Thanks a lot Sony! The(nh1)Backlit 3 line remote is a must It also can monitor the recording level. The Nh1 is way Sexier. If you get the World Tourist model of the 900 , or buy a three line remote for it ,I'm not sure if It will support record lever or not. Any one know If it will?????? ANyone know how available the 3line reme is as a separate item
  12. OK,sorry It was the $ that made me that made me jump to that conclusion. Tha 'gift' thing is a good idea. Now why didn't I think of that when I bought my synth module from Canada.
  13. Thanks for the info. but I meant to say- any UK stores that I can buy the NH1 lion bat from. Audiocubes is a US store -the $49 price seems hyped to me and I would have to pay V.A.T.,Customs duty ,VAT on the customs duty and postage. I hope these come down in price .The bat for MZNH900 is only $8.95. By the way I did send back the MZNH900 -and let me bash It futher. The screen contains many lines of text, so the size of the writing is very small, which may be ok if the background was not as dark as it is. The contrast adjustment only changes the the intensity of the text. I thought this would be next to usless for recording in a dark club. Anyone thinking of this model for recording should go for the World Tourist model with three line illuminated remote on which the recording level can also be monitered.This costs as much as the MH1 though I think.
  14. Just got the MZNH900 from Be-Direct and am considering returning it. It is bigger than my MZR70(which has TWO headphone outs!) to start with and when the AA adaptor is attatched there wont be much room left in my trusty waxed cotton bum bag (read fanny pack) also to contain a battery box,mics and remote etc. Though bigger it also felt lighter and flimsy.Jog wheel with central button is very ergonomic though. Now I have to decide between NH1 and waiting till Sharp gets thier offering off the drawing board. Anyone know if NH1 Lion bats can be bought off the web in the UK and the cost? AAs RULE!
  15. As a future owner of a MZNH900 or now more likely a NH1 I also would like to know If there is a way of charging the gumstrip bats. I bet Sony make just such a gizmo at $89 a throw. :grin:
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