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This from Sony's ACID Editing software feature page: Additional new ACID Pro 6 features include: On-the-fly punch-in recording Envelope automation recording Track record meters MIDI track envelopes for controllers MIDI keyframes for patch changes and sysex messages MIDI Quantize and Velocity filters MIDI file import and export Freehand envelope drawing on the timeline Gracenote® MusicID CD album identification Dual/Multi-core processor support ATRAC3™, ATRAC3plus™, and ATRAC Advanced Lossless™ format support Also, Sound Forge as of version 8.0d supports these codecs! I've just opened a non-DRM'd .oma file in sound forge and I have full editing rights! Now, ain't that nice??
Hi, Like you, I record an acoustic instrument- in my case guitar. Close enough for Paganinni, close enough for me. I have the Audio Technica Pro 24. Not the best specs on the market, but a great sound. Flat, even response, slightly lacking in bass. Not a big deal for guitar, voice or, dare I suggest, violin. The package is really good - windsock, clip adapter, battery, pouch. Nice. My guess is this mic is really pitched at the camcorder market. It still does a fine job recording acoustic instruments. For the price, there is IMHO not a better condenser out there. It beats the hell out of the Sony ECM-DS70P I got bundled with my NH1.
I've had a similar experience with an MD-80 disk on my NH1 - not while recording, but after a usb transfer from SonicStage. A disk that had been playing normally behaved the same as you describe after I added some more songs to it. I reformatted the disc, retransferred the songs, and no problem. I assumed file corruption - maybe the USB cable was not clipped in properly, I thought. Funny thing too - the hold button on the unit (which I use all the time at the gym as I use headphones without the remote) only functioned sporadically until after the NEXT transfer. This could be non-related, however. Buggy, buggy, buggy behaviour. I suspect there are a set of environmental circumstances that trigger this, perhaps related to the usb port on the unit. Your NH1 was in the cradle while recording - so the usb connection port was engaged. Not possible your kid/cat/girlfriend knocked the unit? You didn't take it in or out of teh cradle whilst recording?
I was googling around and came across this - it's supposedly a driver update for first gen HiMD players, dated 26 Jan 2005. According to the page info, it updates the drivers at C:\Program Files\Sony\Personal Audio Driver I had a quick look in this folder pre and post installing it - none of the time stamps on the files seem to have changed. Maybe someone could do a more exhaustive check? Or have I missed a post on this already - it's not new.
Okay. Thanks you guys - I think I understand why they are so cheap. It's because they are cheap and nasty. What about Panasonic's range? Any takers?
I'm looking at getting a set of these. Brief description here Apologies if this is reviewed elsewhere, but can a current owner venture an opinion? Thanks
I received my Audio Technica Pro24 mic this week. I'm pretty happy with it. For USD69.00, it's a bargain. Here is a sample recording I made. Just me and my guitar out on my back deck(you can hear that it's pretty windy here today in Melbourne, Australia!) I've used some compression and added some reverb to give an indication of what this might be like in a proper production environment. I'll write a full review when I get a chance. Recommended.
The classic home made pop screen is also a lot of fun to make. First, remove a girls panty-hose. (How much of this part is fun really depends on your sexual orientation, the girl and the moment. You may need to add flowers, chocolates and/or alcohol to make this truly effective). After (hopefully) having exhausted the fun part, grab a wire coat hanger and using some suitable cutters, fashion a circle wide enough to cover the average singers nose to chin area. Score 10 bonus points if the girl involved earlier is also the singer. Leave a bit of wire so that the frame looks like a lollipop in shape. Now the final bit is to cut off one of the panty-hose legs, shove the circle of wire up in there so that the hose stretches over the frame (you might have to go right up into the toe area) and trim the excess hose. Manipulate the excess wire so that you can gaffa tape the popshield to the mic or the mic stand in a position ahead of the diaphragm. Not a wind sock, but useful.
Yep, I do think 20kHz is better. But most people struggle to hear up into that frequency range anyway. First, looking at the ECMMS907 Sony mic, (the Audio Technica's closest match in the Sony line) it only goes to 15kHz. The Pro24 hits 17kHz and is 150.00 Australian roubles cheaper. So I gained 2,000 cycles, plus the 907 is a mid-side, not a an x-y combo (which suits me, for recording guitar). Again, looking at another mic- Sound Professionals own single point stereo mike - it hits 20kHz but costs more, is not specifically x-y and seems to really want a battery pack to get the most out of it. It has a lower max SPL, dynamic range and higher S/N ratio. And it costs more. Still reckon the Pro24 looks a bargain on paper. Apparently a big hit at NAMM this year. 'Course, may still sound like garbage..... I'll let you know.
I've got a Sony ECM-DS70P that came bundled with my MZ-NH1. I was sitting out on my back porch the other day and recording a few tunes on the guitar, just for reference. In the background the little birdies were twittering, the dogs were barking and the neighbours coming and going. Honestly, when I played it back through headphones I kept turning my head towards these ambient noises as they appeared in the stero image. Quite amazing the degree of stereo separation from this cheap little mic. It's got me quite excited about recording more seriously. This little mic is a bit mid-rangey and lacks bass overall. I've just ordered an Audio Technica Pro24 from Sound Professionals, and I'm waiting for it to arrive. The specs look good though and the price is quite remarkable. I'll write a review when it turns up.
Mason Williams wrote it , I do believe. I have a version of Tommy Emmanuel and Slava grigoryan going nuts on this - awesome. See attached! Guitar_sheet_music___Classical_gas.pdf
Audible uses a DRM protected version of Mp3. I wanted to transfer my books to MD, and just last night I looked at the problem and and it wasn't too hard to solve. Here's what I did: 1. Start eDonkey or your favourite P2P file sharing program 2. Search for RiverFast Audio converter Version 5.0 (must be that exact version, not earlier or later). 3. Download and install the converter 4. Use RiverFast to convert your .aa files to wav or mp3, then convert to ATRAC via SS. Legal stuff: The version of riverfast you will find is a trial. If you like it, consider buying it. It may come with a crack, but that's dishonest and is stealing from the developer. Also, your books are subject to various restrictions - to be legal you should observe your agreement with Audible and not distribute them. You are breaking your agreement by doing this, but depending on where you live you may be entitled to make a fair use copy.
Press the Cancel button on the MD prior to attempting to change media. The display will show "Eject OK". You are then free to swap disks.
Thanks for letting me know.
Yes with 2.3 - that is this threads topic. You are probably right about it working, but I'm just paranoid enough to wonder if Sony were able to find a way to break it from the Hi-MD Renderer's point of view. I would like to try it, but don't want to lose anything in the process - could someone who has already installed test and advise this thread, please? Thanks