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About lewpei

  • Birthday 05/25/1941

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    AIWA AM-F70. MZ-RH10. MZ-E900. CMT-M333NT.

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    Music, softball, special olympics.


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  1. I have been away for a while & am interested in downloading SS3.3 but I have a sony vaio computer model # PCV-RX650. I read a while back that there was a problem installing SS3.3 to a viao computor & sony was supposed to come out with a version that was compatable. My question is: Did this happen & if so where can I find this version?
  2. Hi guys & gals, i went to the Source (previous was radio shack) who sell nextech products to check out the FM transmitters and am not sure what model you are talking about. They also have a nice one on sale but if the USB one is a good as you say and they carry that model that will be my choice. Could you please post the model # so I will not get the wrong one. Tks. Lew
  3. I aint mad just expressing a personal preference, glad to see I am not alone. I have switched back. Keep up the good work with the board as I enjoy it and contains a wealth of info.
  4. Don't know how to tell this to you and be nice about it so I guess the best way is to just yell it out: "YOUR NEW HALLOWEEN COLORS SUCK!". When you are a little long in the teeth and looking at the wrong side of 60 your eyes start to go down hill. Well I find it tough to read this color and it to be quite honest a "BIG PAIN IN THE BUTT". I will survive and continue to check in daily but am looking forward to Nov 1.
  5. Go to E-BAY as there are a couple for sale on their now.
  6. I have the pleasure of owning a "RH10 and it says on the box that it has a digital amp. Hope this helps you.
  7. lewpei

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    I am on the wrong side of 60, am a diabetic, have had open heart surgery, and a few more ailments I will not mention here and I love MINI DISC. I have a couple of MD recorders and a little over 300 MD's half recorded and half blank. I plan to buy a couple more players and more blank MD's to prepare for the future as I still plan to be around for a few more years to enjoy my music. No doubt "SONY" sucks if they really do drop the MD line but cassettes have been gone longer than we care to admit and they are still available. "WTF" I will have the use of MD's as long as I will need it but am concerned about some of you young whipper snappers. Take care all and regardless what "SONY" does prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I am gearing up to record as many native PEI musicians as I can than when I am gone if it works out to be a worthwhile project I will leave them to our provincial library if they have any use for them. Must get started as if I am not over the hill I can see the top of it from where I am. Good luck to all you MD'ers and hopefully to a long and happy future filled with lots of new MD's.
  8. Been suffering an illness for the past 12 days, left house today for first time but still feel like crap, as soon as done here I am going back to the ol' fart sack. One day last week all morning I thought I was going to die, all afternoon I wish I had off. Nothing much pisses me off but what really burns my ass is a 90 CM high flame.
  9. I also have "M-CREW" (comes with labelmaker 5.1) for the CMT-M333NT on my computor and find it to be a real good program for printing labels. You can print Cassetts, CD's, MD's labels with this program. It is very easy to use and if you desire you can use any pic on your Hard Drive and print it on your label. You have multi choices for the image you want to use on your label, just click on the graphics you want and make your decision. You than can if desired print the name of recording over the picture on your label. I am using a lot of nice landscape pictures I took of PEI on my labels now. I use photo paper to get the best image possible and get 2 labels on 1 sheet, I pay .30 Cents per sheet so eash label costs me .15 Cents. I use a restickable glue stick by scotch to stick labels to outside case of MD. I use outside protector case because I have fears a label may come off inside my HIMD. I use restickable glue stick to have the optiion of replaceing the lable at a later date. To me this is an excellent program, very easy to use, does a real good job and if I can do it anyone cabn. I wish I knew how to post pictures on this site as I am quite happy with the results. If you have access to "M.CREW" I would suggest very strongly that you take a few minutes to review & try the program, I don't think you will be dissapointed.
  10. I have a new HIMD model # MZ-RH10 and what I would like to know is if I can use a NIMH 2500MA battery in my external battery case or should I stick with either a rechargable ALKALINE battery or a less powerful NICAD? I like the idea of the more powerful NIMH battery as it will outlast the other 2 batteries by a long shot but I don't want to hurt my unit.
  11. I get upset when we seem to think violence will solve our problems and to try to prove a point we resort to killing our fellow man. You notice I did not say humans because in my mind anyone who carries out violent acts again innocent people are not human. This goes for both sides. I think the worse part of the struggle in Ireland is that the churches on both sides are in favor of the violent actions carried out by their members. My "GOD" must be different from theirs as mine does not advocate killing anyone for any reason and especially because he goes to a different church. A little bit of compassion and understanding on both sides could go a long way to end this struggle & bring peace to the poor ordinary citizens of Ireland. No matter what happens in the future Ireland and her people are the big losers.
  12. Where can I get one as it is what all people should have. This could be the VW of music.
  13. I would like to know if their is any way I can record the sound track from a DVD to a MiniDisc? I have some music DVD's I really enjoy and would like to record the music to a Mini Disc so I can enjoy them even more. I know there must be a way to do it and for sure this is where to find out how.
  14. I had the same problem & what i did was purchase an older unit that was not NET MD or MDLP & it worked. I now keep it for just erasing my recorded MD's. They can be purchased for not much money on E-BAY.
  15. lewpei

    Rh10 Scratches

    To clean my RH10 I use a microfiber polishing cloth I picked up at the local $1.00 (BUCK) store and find it real good. I have used these for years now on all my stuff including my Sony 707 digital camera and have never had a problem. I know you all have "DOLLAR" stores in your area and they all sell "MICRO FIBER" cloths for a buck. These are the same item as shown on E-BAY for $4.99. Try them I am sure you will be impressed.
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