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Everything posted by RoGeR

  1. Hi Sarah, sorry to hear your woes. To me, it sounds like its about to make its trip to electronic heaven. Best bet would be to bring it to an authorised service center to get it sorted.
  2. RoGeR

    RH1 for sale

    Sorry buddy... the RH1 is now sold!
  3. The 333NT has no RDS from memory, but it does allow you to name the radio stations appropriately, which really isnt too difficult to do with the remote.
  4. How are you transferring it to the RH1? Are you importing into Sonicstage?
  5. In the middle of the frames in Sonicstage, you should see a button beneath the two arrow buttons to transfer. Click this button and you can select what kind of bit conversion you want, or transfer AS IS. Change that to LP4 and then only transfer.
  6. IMHO, I think its for badly scratched CDs. Perhaps it reads slower to optimally pick up signals?
  7. Do you mean, the tracks you transferred via NetMD from you PC? If so, then you need to tell sonicstage to encode the tracks into LP4... its probably automatically doin it to LP2 now.. hence, the music recorded onto your MD is in LP2.
  8. RoGeR

    MP3 CDs

    You can use the excellent HiMD Renderer software, look for the raw OMA files which u uploaded on your PC, convert using HiMD Renderer to MP3s and burn to CD as per usual windows methods
  9. If your tracks were transferred via NetMD, then no, the RH1 wouldnt even upload those. ... well, I think
  10. Thanks to you TBR, I'm also a happy man with the vaio pocket. Dont see a need for an upgrade until it dies.
  11. RoGeR

    RH1 for sale

    I've finally bit the bullet and decided on letting my RH1 go to a more deserving owner... its been severely underused and I'm sad to see it sit idle when it should be out and about doing more exciting this. You can find it in ebay.co.uk, and its on a running auction at the moment. Sad to see it go really
  12. TBR, nice to see you back I've used Vaio music transfer for some loose MP3s I got off a friend. Works a charm... although its pretty messy, no album art and since they're loose files, they only appear in All Songs category and not in group or album etc as expected. Anyway, I much prefer using SS than this.
  13. Hi TBR, thats odd coz I did a backup and restore once, and SS did allow me to playback and transfer the tracks as usual. HOWEVER, it didnt allow me to edit them, ie - rename the album, or change any of the album properties.
  14. When you're in album view in My Library, did you make sure you clicked the Track Number column.
  15. I doubt there is a way with ATRAC as your source was mp3 and I would presume you converted them to atrac first before transferring. Hence, the device will not allow you to edit the tracks on your RH10. I had the similar question about splitting a long MP3 track into several "tracks" which I posted in audiotstation forum. Someone recommended MP3 Direct Cut, a freeware which I found to be excellent. I've since successfully split my long track into smaller tracks. HTH.
  16. From my experience, the MP3 transferred to RH10 sounds better on the RH1. BUT... what I also did find was, if I'd transferred the MP3 to the RH1 first, then it actually did sound better on the RH10 too. I never did any test or interrogate the files and this was purely based on my listening. Maybe you could try and investigate further.
  17. Thanks for the test storm! Sad to hear this really!? What were they thinking when they developed the codec!!?
  18. Yeah... its a digital frequency tuner in the M333. Mine is fine but a friend of mine also got his from japan. A quick visit to the sony dealer and it was fixed.
  19. If you enjoy using your units and they still work perfectly, so what if you still need to use Sonicstage? And if you do decide to let your units go for a dime, please PM me immediately.
  20. Come back Olivia!!!
  21. Hmm stormshadow... maybe I'll try encoding an album tonight in AAL and see what happens when I vary the bitrates with each different transfer. To be honest, I've never even attempted AAL after reading so much about its supposed crapness. If you're certain it behaves like what you've mentioned, then I'm all for it.
  22. Sparky, that kinda made sense. But then again, why bother if you cant do anything else with the lossless bit? I would've thought that it saved the lossless part in the folder and transferred the 64kbps to the HiMD device, then say.... later, if I wished to up the sound quality, I could transfer say at 292kbps and it would merely encode from the lossless part?
  23. Sorry for a newbie question, but WHAT IS AAL? I've read about it, but never got round to understanding it. What I do recall is that it encodes in 2 parts, a "transferable" part and another part which builds it up to lossless? So, err... what happens when I listen on my PC.. and when I transfer to my atrac devices?
  24. In that case, I doubt it performed a double conversion of LP2 on LP2. (Dont think it works that way!!!) You also mentioned that it didnt take long to transfer (1 sec per track). What SS probably did was check the coding of your track, and if it was LP2, transfer them as is.
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