I just bought the hi md 600D. I bought it after several discussions with sony cust service. I wanted to be able to back up my music library (culled from cds i own and legal downloads). I recently had a virus on my computer and had to wipe it clean and reconstitute everything and would like to avoid this process again. I am not sure that the device really UPLOADS to sonic stage. Thus, if I were to need to wipe computer clean again and reinstall sonic stage, I don't think that the hi-md disc would really upload the music to the reinstalled sonic stage. (because the reinstalled sonic stage would not recognize it) I have read in other forum posting that the device does NOT truly upload (and if the songs are already on sonic stage on your computer- what good is it to upload something that is already on your computer?) Can someone enlighten me on this issue- DOES THE HI MD REALLY UPLOAD any dmusic files or does it just look like it is transfering? If I had to banish another virusfrom my computer, would I be able to do this using my HI MD discs or would it fail?