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Everything posted by lyceemoliere

  1. My problems were not as global but my experience with Sony help was abysmal and infuriating. I even wrote to Sir H Stringer at one point and his assistant called me and was most unhelpful and rude to boot. I was even angrier to discover that she had had me call her on a paid line so I PAID the phone billl and got no help at all in return.
  2. Circuit city near me (2 stores) used to have them but dont any more. They are now unloading all of their discs.
  3. where do you find these news posts?-- just on the sony website?
  4. I originally posted this topic because I was concerned about the implications of scaling back with MDs in Australia and I know that I subsequently saw another posting about reduced availability in Great Britain. Yesterday, I went to Circuit city which is a big electronics chain in the US and the minidisc players , which had always been available (in fact I bought my first one there) had totally disappeared. I like the devices for music and I am also using my HIMD to back up files (like photos) that I want to save well into the future. Is this format going to stay with us? It seems to me that Sony has probably made way too many different minidisc models that are slight variations on a theme. They are always tanking one off the market and releasing another. My experience with Sony tech support for this disc (including the one time I went all the way "to the top" i.e. To Mr Stringers assistant) has been totallay discouraging and I am not sure whether they are committed to this format at all.
  5. A few days I logged on and saw a rather unnerving posting about possible discontinuation of HI MD units in Australia. When I logged on today the posting had disappeared. Does anyone know more about the posting and the topic it addressed?
  6. I have been trying to use minidiscs to back up slides and photos in the hopes that if they are backed up on both cds and himd discs the photos are more likely to be saved and last well into the future. Am also hoping this will help in the event computer gets another virus and needs to be fixed or wiped clean as a result. Have people encountered glitches with uploading data similar to that described frequently in this forum when uploaded music seems to be lost during the upload process or is this glitch specific for music and sonic stage? If problems occur- any ideas on how to prevent dataloss other than by having the photos saved in a n alternate medium?
  7. I have read some of the previous posting on this topic but still have a question. I have a series of mp3 tracks of an audiobook. The tracks are each about an hour long and i would like to subdivide them further as they are too long. I want to listen to shorter vhunks of the book. Is there a way to do this with ss2.3 without using other tools and doing lots of conversions (to wav etc)? [if this helps: The original audiobook was on a cd in mp3 format. I saved it to my computer and then imported into ss and then transferred the tracks to a net md disc. I also have himd disc and player but would like if possible to have the books on the regular discs.]
  8. Sometimes ss loads the library alphabetically by artist and sometimes alpha by song title. How do i change the song order in ss? Have searched help topics in ss without success
  9. I am far from an expert but i did manage to download from real player. the screen said HI=-Md but the capacity was very low and I am not sure that it was recorded in true himd mode. I wasnt very knowlegeable about formats at the time but I dont remember the format. Because its not ss though, i dont think it could uplaod back to your computer.
  10. I am trying to save my small library on the himd discs. When I transfer the library I set the transfer rate to ATRAC 64. I selected all the songs at once for the transfer (select all). The first 7 songs were transferred using atrac 132 and the subsequent songs were transferred at 48kbps. Why is this? Why did the transfer format change in both directions from the default i had set?I checked my default setting and it still said atrac 64 at the end of this mysterious occurrence. Is there any transfer fromat that is better if my goal is to transfer my library back after i upgrade to ss 2.3? (not for listening)
  11. Sorry- am not good at links but it is on the sony site in the support for minidisc players. When you ask a question on that site re sonic stage upgrade, it automatically generates a list of questions and one of these directs you to the sonic stage upgrade. I also suspect that the specific link is elsewhere on this site.
  12. Thanks again. The open mg files are not actually part of real player. The tracks that were stored in other folders did import nicely but the tracks in this folder for some reason did not transfer. If I just transferred my very small database to the himd discs (about 30 songs) would this work to save them? or would the newly installed ss2.3 not let me upload them? [ I am trying not to compromise my real player db which is much larger)
  13. Thanks so much for this advice. I am most appreciative. Do you have any thoughts on how one can import the songs that seem to be stored in a file labelled open mg. They originated on realshapsody and were burned to cd then transferred to my realplayer database. By the way, is there a way to just backup my (small) database on sonic stage directly to the himd as data? Maybe that way I would not place my realplayer database at risk when I install ss2.3. What folder or folders would I need to store as data in order to do this?
  14. I have found the download to upgrade from SS 2.0 to 2.3. 1-Should I do this? Any cautionary words? 2-It suggests that I back uplibrary first and cautions me re protecting other programs that might be using some of the same database. I am still using real player and want to download the ss2.3 without corrupting my realplayer data base. Ant tips for this? 3-I also see the download for the conversion tool. Any precautions there? 4-Is this (conversion tool) the tool that I need to convert some of my open mg files (previously culled from real rhapsody and itunes) and stored now with my real player system?
  15. I have my library on real player. The index so to speak is stored on real player but the song tracks are actually dispersed into a number of locations on my hard drive. When one opens real player, the database gets reconstituted so you can see these diparate files on real player. Many of these tracks did import into the sonic stage better than I had dared to hope ( the track name was intact but I had to add the artist). The remaining files that didn't import from real player appear to be in a folder labelled "open mg". When I try to import these into sonic stage the song file is empty upon arrival in sonic stage (i e no song, no title, no artist). How do I get these files to import properly? When i open the open mg file folder and sonic stage and click on the song I get the following message: "there is invalid rights managemnt info in the open MG content" Dop I need to convert these files? If so, how do I do this?
  16. My music library is all on real player at the moment. It came from 3 sources: cds/tracks i bought from realrhapsody/ tracks i bought from itunes(plus a handful recorder via mic in to real player) re the tracks bought from realrhapsody and itunes: Is there a way to transfer them with the album-artist-track title designations that I already spent hours working on to get them into realplayer in the first place? Or do I have to import them from discs or "my Music" folder and then laboriously name them all again in sonic stage?
  17. Thanks for the suggestions. Can you record in a variety of formats on a single disc or does each disc have to be recorded in a single format?
  18. lyceemoliere


    When I read about formattinga disc I am a bit confused . Does one need to format HI MD discs (the way one used to format floppy disc)* or does format refer to selecting a format to use for a transfer? * if so- how is this done?
  19. I am using simple burner because I want to transfer directly and not take up lots of computer space. Where does 48 kbps fit in? Is lp2 the same as hilp> I am not at all an audiphile but dont want a disc that sounds really awful. Would like to fit 16 plus cds if at all possible.
  20. Could someone help with advantages/disadvantages of these? I tried to find this using the search function and was unable to locate the info. How many cds per disc (using simple burner) can one fit with each method? Does one lose quality by choosing the setting which allows many cds per minidisc? (I am not an audiophile but also don't want awful sound quality) Is there a middle ground where sound quality is OK but one can fit lots of cds on one disc?
  21. I didnt format the first disc- it just recorded well all on its own. But, you think i need to format the second disc again so it will work with HIMD capacity?
  22. I thought I recorded both with 48kbps actually. Which setting is best?
  23. I recorded one hi md disc using cd---> HIMD with simple burner and the capacity seemed appropriate (i.e. about 40 cds seemed to fit on the disc). Then I tried to burn another disc and although I could not detect any changes in setting etc and the md side of the simple burner said "HI MD" and the transfer rate seemed to be the same, this time only 12 discs seemed to fit. What did I do wrong? As I mull this over, am wondering whether this could be the problem: I originally recorded on this particular disc in md mode- then erased all the tracks. Does one need to reformat the disc- if so, how do I do this?
  24. I am a bit new to this. Am I correct in assuming that this structure reader would be useful if one wanted to import music files from another library (such as realplayer- where the files are already well named as to track title/albumetc) into sonic stage. ... so that you don't have to re-identify all those files as you are importing.? or do I have it all wrong...?
  25. I cant figure out how to edit the titles in simple burner. Could you point me in the correct direction to access these features- thanks
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