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Everything posted by LupinIV

  1. I do believe, as Woodgnome does, that there is a connection between the new generation, and possible 1st generation "hidden" bugs. I also do believe that as soon as this news becomes official, we are going to see the first firmware udate for 1st generation HIMD!!!! cheers WOOGNOME's THREADS SHOULD BE STICKY NOW!!!!
  2. Guys, I could not believe my own first try so I just tryed it and I can absolutely reconfirm it: 1st try: -Original track 2min 30sec -Replay, mark at 1 min, then mark at 30sec (3 tracks now: 1min, 30sec,1min) -pause and back to 1st mark (beginning of track 2) -while still in pause, delete track 2 - now only 2 tracks (1st 1min and last 1 min) should be there for a total of 2 min. - while still in pause, remove track 2 mark to join the 2 minutes together - THERE YOU GO!!! After SYSTEM updates: 2:09 seconds!!!!! 2nd try - I decided to cut 30 second more from the same screwed 2:09 - same procedure - My math 2:09 - 30 sec = 1:39 -SONY's math: 2:09 - 30 sec = 2:04!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!!!! Please, Woodgnome, let me know how and who to send this unit back!!!! Cheers to minidisc.org: this should be a sticky!!!!! -
  3. Woodgnome!! I confirm your finding too on my NHF800!!! For a while I thought I was doing somothing wrong while editiong small recordings from college lectures while in class. This is one of the main application for my HIMD, recording lectures and listen them back while I drive back home. I tend to edit some tracks to eliminate long silence or useless parts. IT NEVER WORKED RIGHT AN NOW I KNOW WHY!!!! SONY: Be honest for ones, and give us a free fix to this mess!!!!!! Thanks Woodgnome!!!!
  4. LupinIV

    Too Fast!

    These are the details... Some are: Bit rate: 64 kbps Channels: 1 (mono) Audio Sample Rate: 48khz Others: Bit rate: 24 kbps Channels: 1 (mono) Audio Sample Rate: 22khz The issue seems to be sprung by the "mono" more than the sampling rates.
  5. LupinIV

    Too Fast!

    Thanks Atreyu, I suspected I had to go through the "DIY"!!! Thanks again Sony! Now, all the things that a good recorder should be able to do, and that should be supported by its software, it looks like we have to do it ourself using other tools. Were the mono mp3s an issue with SS 2.3? I do not believe I have had this problem before.
  6. LupinIV

    Too Fast!

    Very funny!!! Not the case, though. I found out that the mp3s that are playing faster were recorded mono. Is there any published issue about SS and mono mp3s? Cheers
  7. LupinIV

    Too Fast!

    Hello everybody. I have updated Sonicstage to 3.0. Looks good, but it seems to give me some creeps (like that is a news) Any mp3 imported into SS3.0 sounds good, but once tranferred into the HiMD (NHF800) they are played at superfast speed (would say at least double). This phenomenon doesn't seem to affect WAV tracks. I am trying to transfer some audiobooks that I had on tape and saved into mp3s. Thanks for any help. Cheers
  8. This is awesome!!!! I agree, this thread should become a sticky!! Important steps are being taken here. Cheers
  9. Marcnet, I have downloaded your program, but it seems to reconize only few of the tracks present in the disk. Any Idea? Cheers
  10. alexoft, Nice job. I have been working on the same idea and I noticed that you have the same problem I had: Songs outside a group folder are actually listed within the next available Group. Do a simple experiment: Group 1 Song 1 Song 2 Song 3 (outside a group) Group 2 Song 4 Song 5 With your code (and mine too), Song 3 appears as belonging to Group 2 I haven't found a way to ID correctly each song with the proper Group. I and not sure about where to look for this information. Please share information if you can. Cheers
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