Guys, I could not believe my own first try so I just tryed it and I can absolutely reconfirm it: 1st try: -Original track 2min 30sec -Replay, mark at 1 min, then mark at 30sec (3 tracks now: 1min, 30sec,1min) -pause and back to 1st mark (beginning of track 2) -while still in pause, delete track 2 - now only 2 tracks (1st 1min and last 1 min) should be there for a total of 2 min. - while still in pause, remove track 2 mark to join the 2 minutes together - THERE YOU GO!!! After SYSTEM updates: 2:09 seconds!!!!! 2nd try - I decided to cut 30 second more from the same screwed 2:09 - same procedure - My math 2:09 - 30 sec = 1:39 -SONY's math: 2:09 - 30 sec = 2:04!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!!!! Please, Woodgnome, let me know how and who to send this unit back!!!! Cheers to this should be a sticky!!!!! -