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so heres the big question... does the rh10 have a line out or not... it seems that everyoen is discussing what it is but for some of us who acutally want a line out i think it may be the determining factor for buying the rh10. me for example so the question now is wether this rh10 is the equivalent of the nh900 plus the ne display... to me it seemed liek hte nh900 was a great piece but the ony thing the rh10 has is mp3 and a display... is it so ie, is it the nh900 plus these added features or did they take away the lineout or can you still change the feature in the soft menu for a line out
i noticed on the equipment section of this site it says that the 1st gen hi md is shared line and headphone output but on the new models ie the 910 and the 10 it says that there is only headphone...whats the deal with that... i know they havent come out in the us yet but mabey someone knows?
is it just me or does the rh10 not have usb on the unit, and wheres the mic input and line output.... or is that on a different section of the unit
Im lookin to purchase a nh900 with all the accessories it comes with. if anyone has one please contact me asap... thanx... cheers
so heres the big question for me that will sell me on the 900 or the new generation... as far as usb is concerned... can you record thru the usb on the new ones ... since i see it as an option on the site..
funny... the description on this site doesnt say hi deff digi amp... thats what i was basing it on... ps does anyone know when the results from the meeting with sony will be posted
seriously, as far as im concerend, aluminum or magnesium it really dont matter... i dont plan on smashing it aroudn with a sledge hammer anywyaz.... adn i had that magnesium cd player the mad thin one.. and honeslty its not such an "amazing" feature.... id opt for acutual features vs its case...
its somewhat funny that there is so much "controversey" regarding which to get... i mean i think i heard the 900 only has a digi amp while the nh1 has a HD digi amp... its crazy the difference that people notice.. wit this being the case i might as well just wait around for the new ones with pretty mjch the same features but a backlit display... idk im gonna do alot of recording with this and i need that pcm mode more than anything... and batterylife is a plus... and the usb connection to the computer... so what you guys think... NH1 or NH900 or hell... just wait for hte new ones? in theory i could "tough out" a lesser display perhaps for a better unit but it seems to me that the 900 is acutally better and the only thing the nh1 has is its metal, a bit smaller, and has a better remote... and is also 100 bux mroe... but the basic functions seem the same ps, does anyone know if the 900 has a lock mode since the jog dial may become a slight problem... since i wil lbe using this live i dont need anyone rubbing against it and screwiing up my set... and is it possible to use the nh1 remote on the 900 cuz it sems to me that hte 900 might acutlaly be better feature wise specificlalyh the usb on the unit...
Hey, for all of us who may not be buyin gen 2 hi md and waiting for that price drop, could anyone explain the differences between the nh1 and the nh900. i noticed that the nh900 has a display on it while the nh1 does not, and it also has a jog dial, in addition the charger stand does not have a usb adapter. anything else?... i mean i dont wanna be relying on a remote for most of my usage so any suggestions?...
would you be willing to sell the NH1 vs trade?
tru tru, i havent bought one yet but its either the nh900/nh1 but if theres a difference mabey ill get the new ones.... hmmmm what to do... anyone know when there will be some new details out on the new series if theres any testers?
hey,besides the visual display and mp3 capabilities adn the little cosmetic differences, what is the difference between the RH10 and the NH1 as far as recording quality, amp power, playback quality. i mean it seems to me that besdies these cosmetic differences the genral piece is the same. they all have the same inputs and usb capabilites less teh 2.0 difference, and its seems the yall encode and play back in the same format. is there any quality differecne in the volume of the digital amp or the eq or the acutal sound? i havent bought one yet but its like, if there is no difference as far as sound quality why purchase one that has mp3 format adn just a different display?...
whats the difference between the rh10/910 and the nh series
well i guess i could wait a month, i mean i guess what ill do is hit up these forums again to see what you guys think about the new ones since as you know, i know nothing... i searched the site and noticed there was a MZ-RH910 and a MZ-RH10 just wondering what the difference is between those adn the NH-900 or the NH1 or if there is any difference... its just gets more and more complicated i think lol.
wow you do know your MD's well. im honestly not even looking to get MP3s uploaded only std wav. files since mp3s are compressed and encoded already which removes some of hte sound quality. so basicaly what your saying is that if i get the 900 ill be good to go as far as sound quality, recording, and playback. i hope ur right but im gonna go with you on this one. any suggestions where i can get the 900 mad cheap?