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Everything posted by e1ghtyf1ve

  1. I finally ditched my old MD recorder (an MZ-R50) and gave it to a retired audio engineer buddy, and replaced it with a cheap but lovely sounding MZ-RH910. The new Hi-MD rig will get its first recording test on an upcoming gig as a backup to my Powerbook DAW and DAT combo. We've noticed audible artifacts on playback with iPods, iRivers, and Samsungs we own - almost enough to be a serious distraction from the listening experience. We didn't bother with a 4-bit Creative. They do seem adequate for rock or pop through the radio, though. Their A/D converters, if present, sound pretty miserable to our ears. Maybe the little ARM processors they use to encode directly to mp3 are a bit overstretched? Or maybe the problem lies with the decoding? Biggest waste of my cash ever. The only handheld recorders that could compete with a 16-bit Hi-MD recorder would be a Sony PCM-M1 (20-bit, with adapter) or the very nice Edirol R-1 (24-bit). Both are very costly, especially with the R-1 using 1GB flash cards! Cheers
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