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    sony mdsja3es, mdsja20es,mz-rh900,mz-dh10P, mz-rh10, CMT-333NT, Onkyo MD-133, JVC MXS6MDR, Alpine MDM7741R

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  1. Hello, you can have a look at this: https://www.ko-saka.com/products/detail/1260 and: http://www.buy-nippon.com/ I've ordered a lot of stuff using buynippon in the passed
  2. The bad : Fnac ; EMTEC/ BASF ; Hispace/MPO The good : SONY ; TDK
  3. Thank you sfpb ,but you have uploaded owner's manual, not SERVICE manual that i needed (useful for test mode, repair, parts references etc..)
  4. Wait for this a long time. Thank you very much, Electric Magic ! I've a very spécial request: could anyone provide Onkyo MD-105FX service manual ? (An english version would be great, but japanese version is a first step)
  5. Hello everyone Will Jim repair hi-md players ?
  6. hello I've got an W1 deck and I know how to make lossless copies of recordable mds (Sp or mono recorded) using service mode. Would Phamcu hack allow to do the same with prerecorded Mds . Mz-rh1 allows to transfer prerecorded mds to pc and convert to Wav. But I think precorded md's are recorded in 20 bits definition (although lossy atrac algorythm...). This 20 bits définition is lossed during the conversion to wav.
  7. Features you 'll get with hi-md technology and not with standard md : 1) universal playback/record compatibility with all standards of existing Md/himd discs and atrac/atrac3/atrac3+ encoding. 2) Perfect (no more artifacts) encoging quality with pcm (lossless) and atrac3+ (lossy but extremely close to pcm at 352 kbps, far better than sp atrac) 3) Extended recording and playback time with standard "80 min" Md (100 min at 352kbps up to 13h at 48 kbps). with Himd (1GB) you can record up to 45 h of music at 48 kbps atrac3+ ( 94 min in pcm , 7h at 352 kbps) 4) Fast and unlimited USB digital transfers from and back to pc (since sonicstage 3.4 and higher) 5) Ability to use mds (including regular "80 min" ones ) as USB mass storage (for albums cover for example) but also any type of files : text, photos, software , video ( you can store and playback an XVId or x264 encoded movie up to 2h at 1250 kbps)
  8. I record my favorit cds onto 1gb himd with pcm encoding too. But I can say that atrac3+ at 352kbps using slow(high quality - using sonicstage) is extremely close to pcm (I ve tested it using sony cd3000 high end headphones). Far better than SP encoding (no artifacts anymore including miles Davis trumpet for example).In fact, most of time - And I could say everytime - I cannot hear any difference with pcm... PS: for accurate ripping I first use DBpoweramp (ultrasecure) or EAC. than I use VirtualCD software and sonicstage cd burner to burn a virtual CD of the accurate ripped wave files . Than I ripp again the virtual cd with sonicstage. That way I can obtain high quality (slow) 352kbps atrac3+ files.
  9. It's a very good idea Zhane ! It's a pitty that second generation 1GB himd discs come with these little oval screen instead of classical large ones. Anyway for labelling them i use this software: http://forums.sonyinsider.com/topic/21927-labels-for-hi-md/page__p__150399#entry150399 Also, if you use 80 min blanks, would you use atrac 3+ 352kbps (slow- high quality) encoding? It is better than sp atrac and extremely close to pcm. As minidisc access seems to not have cristal jewel cases anymore, you can find it from japan at : http://www.ko-saka.com/contents/shop/MD1P.html you can get them using www.pricejapan.com or (for french md user) with : http://www.buy-nippon.com/ Minidiscaccess used to buy there md jewel cases from a chinese (HK ?) supplier. If anyone know one of these chinese makers I will be interested as it could be cheapest than japanese ones...
  10. Had the same experience than you , Wizard, But only with fast(low quality) 352 kbps encoding ( try Miles Davis Concerto de Ajanguez) . The sound with slow (high quality) 352 kbps encoding (only supported with cd ripping encoding) is very very very closed to pcm, even with those very difficult musics . NB: To make a simulated cd ripping with Sonicstage and wav files, you can use SS CD burning function in addition with the software "virtual CD" . I think you also can burn an iso cd file of you wav files with Nero.
  11. Try miles Davis "kind of blue" , and you will change your mind: sp is full of horrible artifacts, while atrac3+ 352kbps is cristal clear...
  12. You can have a look to this post: http://forums.sonyinsider.com/index.php?showtopic=21927&view=findpost&p=150399
  13. You CAN have HiMD in your car...combining himd portable and sony car cd reciever, with the help of connects2 walkman adapter. I've got, and I'm very satisfied of it: display of md titles and md control on cd unit, last track played memory when switch off/on...
  14. jb980 is a very good recorder using optical or analog input and SP mode. No difference with ja 20ES ( Two SP recordings of the same song ,one made with JA 20 ES, the other with jb980 , sound exactly the same when they are played on the same deck) As net md, quality of dowloads are the same that other net Md Sony, including portable units : Only MDLP encoding is avalaible using Sonicstage - unfortunatly SP downloading is fake SP (reencoded LP2). I've never tried it , but as net Md it certainly can edit tracks with sonicstage...
  15. I have a jb980 to sell nextly, so I've no interest in denigrating it... Understand me, it doesn't sound awful, but clearly not as good than JA20 Es and even Himd onkyo decks. Concerning MDLP (atrac3) I've never used it nor with MDX-D40, because it's a great downside of SP atrac (LP2 lacks of deepness and sounds "plastic"; LP4 is awfull). At the opposite atrac3+ is agreat improvement of atrac codec. You're write the manual doesn't mention DAC specifications. My source is Sonystyle:
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