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Everything posted by gazza49

  1. yes jb has them for 4.50 australian dollars.
  2. Hi I Have 2 questions........1)I would like to know how to import music files in the same order as they are on the cd, ie when importing a cd thats been converted to mp3 on my hard drive the tracks are in a different order after importing them (i have ss set at "all tracks") 2) If i download mp3s off the internet, then make a cd from them using nero why does it take so long to copy them onto my hi md using simple burner. thanks for any help.
  3. high pitch hiss.......you diddnt drop the unit on a snake? no idea what this could be.
  4. it sounds like you answered your own question, its the memorex discs.
  5. If you are too confused use the sonic stage you got with the unit, connect to the internet, and download the latest ss from the prompts.
  6. yes it is possable, make a playlist of the artist, create a folder, record that artist into that folder give it a name. make another playlist of another artist, create a folder , record that artist into the folder, give it a name.........etc
  7. yes ss converts all music files to atrac files, to find out where they are stored open tools, options, general, location tosave inported files. this is where all youe atrac files are, if you are finished with them i would sugest you delete the lot as they use up a lot of hd space. oh and all i meant was dont mix directories with files. ok they are the same thing but directories are old dos. folders are windows.
  8. they stop the music falling out of the cable and spilling in the floor.
  9. I think it was the music of islam that did it.
  10. how can Australians be slow at accepting technology, when the uk still buy petrol in gallons and travel in miles per hour. Metric has been out for years, but people in the uk insist on measuring themselvs in feet and inches. get with the program.
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