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Everything posted by dura_

  1. dura_


    And sound quality on the A3000 is so good, you can connect still better headphones and get a clearly audible improvement, as lnog as you do not use high impedance phones (like some Sennheisers). My preferred phone is the Shure E4; excellent sound and very good isalation, more then welcome since I use it for commuting by public transport.
  2. dura_

    Sony Walkman NWA3000

    What do you use for software? Sonic stage 4.2 would be preferable.
  3. Thank you very much, especially Zizone, good tip. Don't worry Pata, in my country cars and pedestrians have different parts of the road. I'm seriously considering this player, for its sound quality, batterylife, tuner and nc. And, uh, for its looks. But I already own a NW-HD1 and a NW-A3000 and I've Shure E4s, which give an good passive nc by nature, so buying the 7xx is not the most sensible economical thing to do. But I want one...
  4. I would like the know if the NW-S7xx noise cancelling also works when you are not listening to music, and just use the device for noise cancelling. If yes, does anyone have experience with the way it supresses traffic noise? (Every morning when I go to work I walk through a beautiful little park, unfortunately a large highway is situated right next to it. It would be nice to have a walkman that also can give me a quiet moment here).
  5. Ih the PC lib looks okay, I would reformat the A3000 and retransfer all tracks.
  6. dura_

    My New Sony NW-A3000

    I got both the NW-HD1 and the NW-A3000 and the HD1 is much much faster then the A3000. If the RAM theory is right (could also be a roll-in roll-out probem, where info is discarded too quickly) it seems the A3000 got less. perhaps Sony thought the HD is fast enough now? On a sidenote, the HD1 sounds very good, the A3000 even better, both look very stylish.
  7. My HD-NW1 has a batterylock switch on the bottom. If the HD3 got one too try that, it'll switch off the unit.
  8. dura_

    No more NW-A3000B?

    I was in your situation a month ago, and finally settled for the purple A3000. I don't regret t, in the flesh it actually looks quite classy. No word of the new HD-players yet, keep an eye on DAPREVIEW, those guys are fast.
  9. It's probably not the space, but the unmber of songs. My 3000 is filled except for 300Mb, but with 256Ks, so half, and it's not at all as slow as you describe (but slower then my NW-HD1 with exactly the same songs on it).
  10. dura_

    NW-A3000 Bass Boost?

    perhaps yuo can try a headphone with more bass?
  11. Initialising and reloading seems the sensible thing to do; these problems might very occur thanks to damaged or lost data on the HD; reloading usually does the trick.
  12. Hi everone, I'm new here, first post. I have a NW-HD1 and a NW-A3000. The latter sounds more dynamic and crispier to my ears, but stil retains that sony sound signature (full, spacious, detailed, musical, no fatigue are words that spring to my mind, I like the Sony HD-sound a lot).
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