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About Supernova

  • Birthday 10/12/1982

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    MZ - NHF800

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  1. Actually I'm in Argentina, I don't think I would pick up anything on the weather (I'm not even sure what is that about), but I think I can hear air TV channels... we have like 6 down here.
  2. Yeap I think so, and mine is Australian (I guess). but I was wondering if there a way to be able to use that feature...
  3. Ok Actually I don't get the "TV" or "weather" options, just AM and FM. I thought there might be a way to activate it... Thanx!
  4. IS there any remote with a backlight that I can use for my MZ-NHF800?? I really need a backlight... I don't know what was Sony thinking...
  5. Thank you! it really helped! But I still can't use the TV or Weather features...
  6. It really helps!! I was stocked with the 9k thing! there wasn't a big deal on the reception of the radio, but I didn't like to see the dial on the 594 instead the 590! lol! Thank you! Tell me is there any way for me to be able to use the TV feature that I supposed to have for this model? I can't seam to find out how to change that. Thank you again!
  7. I have the very same model. the first week you'll see the battery needs to be charged everyday, but once you're using it all the time (charging it and discharging it) you will recover the full battery life. I cannot use the TV feature (I don't see how...)
  8. I have the NHF800, I have AM/FM radio and I read somewhere also TV (I couldn't use that feature if it have it...) I don't know if anybody has an idea about this; but the AM radio is set for Europe, it goes from 9 to 9 Khz (it starts on 531 Khz and continious on 540 khz and so on...). I live in Argentina and here the AM radio goes from 10 to 10, so it stars on 530 khz and continuos on 540 khz and so on. Is there anyway to change that? If your interested and wanna know why is different, it's because you can set more radio stations if you reduce the bandwidth. So in Europe there are too many people in such a little space, there are also too many radio stations. In Argentina we don't need that (thank's God, because it also reduce the sound quality, which is already poor...)
  9. I use it once in a while, I have the MDS-S40. I'm planning to sell it, but I don't really wanna get rid of it. I don't know, I think I'm going to miss it...
  10. I tried to look for the .oma file, but I couldn't find it yet, and most of the recovery tools doesn't look for that format, anyway I will try with this one you said. I have the bad habit of deleting with SHIFT+DEL, so I don't know if there's any posibility to get, I hope so. Thank you for the hyperlink!
  11. Actually I accidentally delete the .oma files before the software deleted them form the MD...
  12. yeap, never ever... Actually is not in "My Library" because I "saved" it to my desktop as .oma and then I deleted it thinking it was on My Library anyway or at least in th MD. If you find out there's any way to recover that audiop, I'll apreciatte it! Thanx! Ps. I just realise that I was using the SS 2.1 and I upgraded to SS 4.0 so when I try to trasnfer the files, they deleted automatically, I if any one know why and how to get them back, that will be good news
  13. Tell me about it... I transfered the files with Sonic Stage 2.1, as I realise that I couldn't convert them to .Wav with it, I upgraded to Sonic Stage 4.0. i tried to transfered the files and it erased them! I was about to cry. Now I'm a little bit better, but I'm still wondering if there's anyway to get those files back. Does anybody know anything about that?
  14. I just realise that when I already transfer the file to "My Library" it's automatically deleted from the Hi-MD (I don't know why). Does anybody know if there's anyway to recover that file? I cannot check on "My Library" because I already deleted the .oma file a few days ago (without knowing what I was doing). So I don't really know what else to try. I tried different tools to see if the .oma file is somewhere on the hard disk, but is not...
  15. I'm kind of desperate, I tried to save a file I had on my Hi-MD to the PC in .wav format, I clicked on "Transfer" and now the file is gone from the Hi-MD and I cannot find it on My Library or into the folder it supposed to be!! I really need that file! It's a really important interview I made! I don't have any copy of it! Do you know where can it be? I'm using the Sonic Stage 4.0 Thank you
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