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Found 4 results

  1. Hello All, I'm hoping someone can help as I've recently powered up my Tascam MD350 and hit a stumbling block. The machine appears to function with playback, skipping tracks and reading discs. It even records and edits titles. The problem is when it comes to any kind of TOC modification or deleting of tracks. I use the regular and standard procedure for deleting tracks or discs and the display feedbacks all the right information. It leads you into a false sense of security it's so believable, however it doesn't delete the disc or the track requested. Interestingly enough, I cannot seem to program play or move the order of the contents too. I've never experienced this before and hoping someone else has and provide some help. The protection tap isn't the problem, before anyone states the seemingly obvious. It's something related to TOC creation/editing. Using the front panel controls, i go through all the steps required and confirming by saying "yes". It will say completed, the TOC indicator will be on, but the contents hasn't changed one bit. I thought ejection and I reinserting a disc following the edits might "wake it up", but this has no effect. Another interesting thing is that it does allow me to split tracks, but again if i want to erase or move tracks, it doesn't appear to work (despite the display telling me it's performed the requested actions). I'd genuinely appreciate any help or insight to resolve this.
  2. Hello, I have an RC-FS20 which is a flash start controller for a TASCAM MD-801RMKII. All the LEDs are on but I am not able to get it to do anything. If anyone has any intel on this unit I would be very grateful. An instruction manual would be pure gold. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. I also have an RC-8 and an RC-801, both remote control units, which I am able to get working in tandem. I have recently installed the BU-801 RAM buffer in my MD recorder and I am able to flash start tracks using the RC-801, but nothing is happening with the RC-FS20. I imagine the way this should work is that all lights should be OFF until I flash load any tracks, and then only the tracks I have flash loaded will be illuminated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi Dear, I am so happy to find this discussion. I have a C7NT Net MD Hi Fi as well. Should I use Sonic Stage or M crew to get it moving? I tried Sonic Stage Ultimate version with the Net MD driver but it did not work. Do I miss something? Also I have read that C7NT also needs a PC Link driver besides Net MD driver in order to get connection, is it true? Thanks in advance to you all!
  4. Hi All!! I just stumbled across something REALLY cool and shocking. Tascam still manufactures and sells a combo MD/CD deck with all the digital I/O's and bells and whistles you need!! (SP and MDLP formats) When I acquire the $650 that is the listing price Im definitely ordering one before they discontinue them. I was floored and excited when I stumbled across the product on Tascam's website. I'm fascinated that they are still making them, they can't be selling many of these because I think the only people that still use minidisc are the few that belong to this forum. Lol!! Check it out!!! http://tascam.com/pr...cd1mk3/buy_now/ Enjoy! Sean
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