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Virtual PC 7 with SonicStage 2.0

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Hi All!

I recently purchased Virtual PC 7 (Full XP professional version) for my iMac (800G4 + 768MB RAM) to try and run SonicStage and wanted to share my experience with anyone considering doing the same.

It's SLOW!!

It took more than 1 hour to upload a 4 minute CD track to the SonicStage Library.

CD playback was jerky and fragmented in both SonicStage and in the packaged windows media player.

I have to say that I was warned that it was slow - but I was not expecting this!

I am sending it back to Amazon today.

Thanks for a great Forum!!

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I don't have any sound input devices on my machine - otherwise I would!

It does seem very unlikey, however, that it would keep up with a real time transfer - given that a 4 minute song took more than 1 hour to transfer.

(with respect to the G5 comment - 10 times quicker would still be unacceptably slow!!)


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