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small MZ-NH1 review

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Hey there smile.gif

I wrote this little text about the Sony MZ-NH1. As I may write more small reviews like this one in the future, I'd like to know what you think of it, from an "editorial" POV, that is, if there are things to change or add, if it's useful enough...

I know there are approximations and analogies instead of actual figures and stats, but I'm not a tech guy, so sorry for that. I tried to find good examples instead.

Hope you like. Waiting for your comments =)


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Welcome. :welcome:

I used Fraps to take ingame movies of, well, games, but I always regretted that Fraps doesn't record sound. Now, I just connect the MD to the mike jack, launch the app, and voilà! A transfer through SonicStage later, I just launch the WAV conversion tools, and then apply the soundtrack to the video! It's easy as pie.

Very creative, that jumped at me a bit. I just got my Hi-MD unit as well the other day and I do agree that recording and uploading is an easy and carefree process! I've had alot of fun with it so far.

Anyway, seems like a pretty good review, obviously compression doesn't phase you as it does most people on the internet, which is fine, we don't scathe people like that here. :happy: If you're so confident with Hi-LP however, what do you think of Hi-SP? And what headphones are you using?

Additionally, Hi-MD can work with Mac, sorta. The data transfer bit works, and you could transfer audio but it'd have to be in realtime.

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Interesting review. Thanks for posting it.

I can use the player for almost five days before it needs to be recharged (about 7 hours per day), and as I said, without counting the time spent on the PC.

That would mean 35 hours! blink.gif Are you sure? It sounds like much more than Sony's specs for this model. I own a MZ-NH1 as well, and I'm not experiencing such long times without having to recharge, just about 10 hours (my average use also includes a lot of mic recordings). Moreover, I don't drain all the battery power before recharging, as I've read somewhere that Li-ION batteries don't like that very much.

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well I'm pretty sure it happened at least once. unsure.gif (reading only...)

I'll... uh... check again next week, just to be sure. Thanks for the tip about not draining all of it, I didn't know that. smile.gif

I have yet to buy new headphones, as those which come with the player are far from perfect. However, I often plug the MD to my stereo or external speakers to listen to my discs. I don't move a lot these days wink.gif

Thanks for the welcome =)

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Apologies for the mistake I made earlier, I apparently forgot a recharge somewhere in those five days. (As you guys already pointed out)

The test: after full recharge, I started a MD set on 'infinite loop' last evening at midnight, planning to let it play until the battery dies (for the last time, corien wink.gif ) It stopped playing sometime between 12:40 and 13:00.

So, my mistake...

embarrassing... come to think of it, I should have done the math...


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Thank you for the battery-life experiment averroes! :smile:

I wonder if anybody has ever been able to get the 18 hours in Hi-LP mode that Sony claims for continuos playing. However, as posted above, playing all the 18 hours until the battery is completely drained seems to be not good for the Li-ION battery.

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Interesting review. Thanks for the battery life information. I do like the battery life remaining display on the NH1.

I am surprised about the battery door observation. I have only opened my battery door a few times and only intentionally. My MD eject button is on the top end of the NH1. My battery door nudge is next to the FF/RW/Play button which is not easily mistaken for the door push point. The battery doors on my older R900 and R90 open too easily by just brushing them. IMHO, the NH1 door seems more robust and more secure.

I too wish the backlight was brighter.

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Well, as I operated the MD with one hand, I had this happen a few times, enough to be worth mentioning: As I opened the MD door, my thumb slipped on the battery door and it clicked open, which forced me to free my other hand in order to close it. Now, I always take care and pay attention when I switch disks. smile.gif

Although it probably has little to do with my clumsiness, my previous MD was a Sharp MD-MS721, which used a slot-in 'doorless' system. Perhaps it's just me slowly getting used to Sony's products :happy:

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I just read your review -- very informative. I've been debating whether to buy a NH1 or a RH900. I had almost decided to buy a NH1 until I read the last sentence - that HI-MD's do not work with Macs! Yikes! Do you mean the SonicStage software only? or that Mac users can't record from the Web or iTunes using the Optical cable?

I presently use a R900, which is breaking down - not recording properly anymore. For the last three years, I've not had a problem recording off my tape player, the Web or from my CD player.

Yet another complication....


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