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Real Player

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I have a big music database on real player. For the simple player I have been using downloading works very well from real player.

Now I bought a HIMD 600 and would like to use the database from real player. I know I can import the files real player---> sonic stage but (1) it uses up a lot of disc space to have 2 copies and (2) I seem to lose all the artist/album etc info I have entered into real player.

By the way, I have primarily files from real rhapsody and from cds on the real player, also occasional songs from itunes.


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SonicStage is the only software that can access HiMD at this point in time.

SS only supports conversion from WAV, non-DRM'd WMA [windows media] and MP3. Your iTunes tracks, if they are AAC, will not be usable in SonicStage without somehow converting them to a format it understands first.

One way or another, you're basically going to have to reconstruct your library just to use it with the NH600.

My own compromise was to end up having two libraries - one for listening, one only for transferring to my HiMD. It takes a lot of space, but I prefer being able to transfer tracks immediately rather than having to sit through the conversion process as well.

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Another possible compromise might be to simply use SonicStage exclusivley for listening to music, burning to CDs and transfers to MD.

Agreed, it's not the greatest piece of jukebox software available, but at least your music will be in one place, and you will not need multiple copies.

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