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Everything posted by bland10000

  1. Looking at the NZ Sony site, it is the rh1, Stuge. Sony New Zealand link
  2. Great to see it coming together...

  3. Will our sign-in from here apply to Insider or do we need to sign-up anew over there?
  4. You may have mentioned that before here but this is the first I've heard of it; interesting to know, thanks.
  5. I think the majority of replies to this thread shows that you will have to search out what people want rather than what you can find to offer. Cheers to guitarfxr for purchasing a large number of units to offer for sale but players / recorders that aren't specifically sought end up sitting on the shelf 'til someone makes an 'impulse purchase'. There isn't anything wrong with 'impulse purchases' but you can't rely on it to be a for-sure sale soon after it is offered.
  6. To access the language option of the remote... 1) Select: 各種設定 / Option 2) Select: 表示言語 / Language 3) Select: 日本語 or English
  7. The stand-alone 'R' nomenclature with Sony MD refers to pre-netmd recorders. Nor is there anyway that a new unit could have been released, Japan-only or worldwide, that we wouldn't know about as we've been starved for anything md related for a few years now. If the face reminded you of an n920 then they might have brought some old stock in from an outlying store; it is a large might but you saw something so it's gotta be something. My 100 en is on it being an r909 or r910 as they both have the same jog dial and volume dial placement as the n920's. Between the two, 909 and 910, the 910 had a peculiar pinkish / orange model available.
  8. I slept through the wave that rolled through my area.
  9. There weren't two Japan providers shown, you must have skimmed through the business news in Japan during March 2006. Softbank purchased the Japan division from Vodafone two years ago. The use of the Vodafone logo on the screen when Jobs showed the carriers is in reference to Australia, Italy, New Zealand, and Portugal.
  10. Haven't had any problems entering the site and the usual suspects have been there the last two days. I'll send you a PM and see if that shakes it up for you.
  11. Yes, but now both are selling them again. They announced that the product was no longer being manufactured, not that distribution had ceased. If you make 100,000 units and only five a day are sold, it will still be in the consumer pipeline for several months. It's probably a “manufactured on demand” type of deal. That is a pleasant thought to hold on to but with each passing month, newer products are introduced that adapt to the changing wants / needs of consumers. At the same time that newer products are introduced, minidisc continues to fade into the past as the user-base is not being replenished. I've never seen a portable CD unit made out of anything other than plastic. The Sony D-NE 800 / 820 and D-NE900 / 920 were high-end aluminum-bodied CD players in the early years of this decade. These two product lines were the same except for the inclusion of the LCD display on the 900 series... ...looking around on Yahoo Auctions, there are some other CD players made of aluminum. These non-Sony aluminum players are like Sony's high-end CD players in one respect, they were manufactured prior to 2005. CD players are no longer a popular choice for portable audio so high-end models have ceased to be produced. If any more portable minidisc recorders / players are released, they too will follow the same trend and be made of plastic. If next year wasn't the 30th anniversery of Walkman I might agree with, you. However, since Sony is known to release aluminum cassette players for their anniverseries it is hard for me to imagine why they would not do the same for MiniDisc. Sony didn't release a minidisc unit to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Walkman so I don't expect them to release one to mark the 30th anniversary. Sony did celebrate the 10th year of minidisc with the MZ-E10 and MZ-N10 but did nothing for the 15th anniversary in 2007. Next year will be the 30th anniversary of the Walkman brand and today the Walkman brand name refers to SE cellphones and Sony NW-Axx / NW-EXX series flash players. I do think we will get limited editions of the flash-players since they are a flagship product, but not minidisc. [edit] and they will probably continue the tradition of releasing an aluminum cassette player as the cassette player is what the Walkman brand name was established on. Interesting! The 7/11 nearest to my APT sells Victor 5MD-80LX 80 min and Maxwell CUMD80MIXB.10P The supermarkets(gorcery stores) have sony 10MDW80CCX usually. (Rosen and Inageya) Oh, I can also find floppy disk(Sony MDF-2HD) at these same places! Our Daily Yamazakis and 7-11s only stock the 2-pack Neige but the nearby Tsutaya has both 5-pack and 10-pack of Coulers, Wa's, and Avox.
  12. The seller started this auction at 0.99 usd. If the price seems inflated, it was done on the part of the potential buyers, not the seller.
  13. 7.00 usd to replace the cell...site selling the AD-MS10BT.
  14. Amazon.co.jp only ships CD's, books, DVD's, and VHS outside Japan....Amazon Japan shipping policy
  15. I'm talking about fan sites / clubs / cults that develop around products no longer manufactured rather than computers and video game systems. Yes, you do still see them...well, rather the remote...on a daily basis but not en mass like five and ten years ago. As Pata mentioned earlier, flashplayers and cellphones are now the standard. In department stores such as Yodobashi, Bic, Yamada, the only portable units still for sale are the; N920, EH50, EH70, and RH1. If you stop by a Don Quixote store, you'll still find the occasional Victor C17. To find any more variety of handhelds, you need to shop online at Yahoo Auctions or HardOff, which Guitarfxr has mentioned before and posted pictures of the rotating inventory. Depending how you define 'norm', you could possibly say it is still 'norm' in Japan. If I'm sitting at a coffeeshop and I pull out my unit to change the disc, no one asks, "what is that?" because they already know it is minidisc. Department stores still have blank discs available and I can still buy 2-packs of Neige discs at my corner convenient store. I never cared for Neige styling but it is nice to see MD blanks still available on the shelf next to the cassettes at 7-11. If you define 'norm' as in the number of people using it versus other forms of portable audio devices, then 'no'.
  16. Yes, a cult following like the Commodore 64 has. Japan has moved on to flash and card media for in-field recording. Where MD will remain mainstream is only in its availability in shelf system stereos.
  17. Aye Mikami, お久しぶりです...I was in KC last summer and saw a guy wearing 66 Eggos walking with a toddler; I wondered if that was you. I couldn't stop as I was in a taxi... In June 2007, Amazon.co.jp and Amazon.com both posted "no longer being manufactured" on the page selling the MZ-RH1. The alert stayed up for about four weeks time. I'm familiar with the catalog your link points at as I like to pick those up for reading during coffee breaks. I'm of the opinion that those pamphlets reflect the availability of the unit rather than information that they are under production. Sharp continued to release their catalog showing the DR77 recorder until the 12/2007 issue. The DR77 was only produced in 2004 and '05. Kenwood, Panasonic, and Victor had pamphlets available showing their portable minidisc units into late 2007. Only when the units were no longer available on shelves at major department stores did the pamphlets for portable audio devices stop advertising them. I'm also reluctant to view a current thread regarding the RH1 with interviews as proof that the unit is still in production. If we go to Sonystyle, we can still order a red MZ-RH10P though that model has been discontinued for two years. I'm apt to believe that companies will continue to provide information for products still available on the market regardless of whether they are in production or out of production. The days of the portable minidisc recorder and player have passed. The same companies that use to release minidisc recorders now tout their SD/miniSD memory recorders. The portable player market has long since given away to the HDD and now flash drive players. Instead of releasing different levels of minidisc players such as; high, mid, and entry (all with their own design), the portable players are released with different memory capabilities; though there are digital recorders still released that are leveled. Will we see another high-quality portable minidisc device? I doubt it. The portable cassette and CD units today are plastic and if Sony releases another portable minidisc gadget, I think it will also follow in that same direction.
  18. yeah, could be the same thing I had to deal with...when using Vista you need to download the pa_driver. Follow this link to the thread and Richyu's link to Sony EU will give you the driver for netmd and hi-md devices for using with Vista.
  19. Just remembered that there is another charger from a different manufacturer, the GP recharger. It costs much less than what online retailers are charging for the Sony brand recharger.
  20. You can use a wall charger, the bc-7ht is a world-voltage wall charger (100 to 240V) and the bc-9hm is a japan (100V) wall charger.
  21. Candice, Look near the top of the screen for the link marked "new messages" and click as I've sent you a PM.
  22. Happy birthday, Rich. As it falls on a Saturday, a pint for every five years seems appropriate. Any extra years are for plates of peanuts or boiled eggs.
  23. Smooth transaction with Lamewing.
  24. Another fine transaction with Rich.
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