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Ads In The Forum..


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I don't mind the ads. They don't bother me too much. Only hassel is that you have to scroll down the page that extra bit, which the ad is taking up. tongue.gif

Is the forum having ads to get a bit of cash?

I myself won't look at them very much at all, but just taking a look at them now... I see that 2 out of the 3 ads, are advertisements in/from Australia (where I live) tongue.gif so I might take a look at them now every day tongue.gif

ohmy.gif and I didn't even notice the ad at the bottom of the forum at all, until I scrolled down the whole page of a post. Ads at the bottom are good, coz you normally dont even know they are there, unless you scroll the whole way down the post tongue.gif

Edited by MZ-NH1
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It makes sense to have ads that support the MD community. I would be more inclined to pay attention to such adds, rather than the standard "Google" or random ads which attempt to make themselves relevant by scanning the contents of your page.

Of course, if ads become too obtrusive, irrelevant or just plain annoying, I can always make use of the Firefox Abblock Extension! ohmy.gif

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