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Universal Power Convertion

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Yeah, it should totally say that it takes variable input. I've been charging it for a few weeks now on 220.

It wasn't such a risk if my nh900 has the same safety as my netMD, detecting and rejecting weird (esp. higher) volts.

Anyhow, don't go and buy a new converter if you've going into a 220v zone.

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(...)It wasn't such a risk if my nh900 has the same safety as my netMD, detecting and rejecting weird (esp. higher) volts.(...)

yeah, my old sharp had that, too.

once i experimented around with different powersupplies, if the power was too much, he would turn out "POWER ?" in the diplay. bigsmile.gif

that unit was too cool anyways, always said "welcome" and "goodbye" to me...

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Huh. I'm leaving for Italy in less than a week, but uhh...I don't know about this. Thanks for this info but I think I'll buy a 220v adapter anyway just to be safe (I'll need it for some other appliance anyway). I've already fried one MD recorder here in the states with misconfigured polarity on one of those adjustable AC adapters with swapable plugs. Sparks flew out of it when I plugged it in!! ohmy.giftongue.gif Heh...now it smell like gunpowder. I can laugh about it now but I was pretty upset at the time. happy.gif

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  • 1 year later...

Would a U.S. AC-ES305 adapter (MZ-R909) also work with 220v?

If these are the correct specs for that ES305 (check the plug for these numbers), then it should work since it takes variable input (100-240V).


# Rated Input: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 8VA

# Rated Output: 3V, 500mA

# Dimensions (Approx.): 2 1/8 x 2 1/2 x 1 1/8 in (w/h/d)

# Color: Black

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