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In Mz-rh10 There Is Not Line Out. Is That Ok?

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In MZ-RH10 there is not line out. Is that OK for the transfers to the PC? There is not the choice in the menu for line out.

I would like also to ask you, what could I do for my old recordings in Net MD or MD simple.

1. I will pass them to PC via analog line out to my sound card (Sound blaster audigy), or

2. I pass them with line out to the line in in the Hi MD (I have also my old MD player) and after I pass with USB to Hi MD in the PC?


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It's difference between line-out and headphones that it result different.

How is it different? The signal going to the headphones is a normal analog signal right?

Just the other day I saw the first ever RH10 in a store in Helsinki. When I commented on the lack of a proper line-out the salesman equaled the headphone out-jack to an analog output and implied that I would be able to record through that.

Is he completely off?

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Well, it's truer to say that the RH10 lacks a line-out mode, ie. a menu-switchable function to turn the headphone output into a relatively 'clean' analogue signal suitable for external amplification or recording to an auxiliary device.

In fact none of the Sony Minidisc units have had a dedicated line out (ie. seperate jack) since the days of the MZ-R50, if I'm not mistaken - all subsequent high-end MD models with line out 'mode' have approximated a line out by supposedely taking the signal from the internal DAC (digital to analogue converter) and by-passing the headphone circuitry. Whether or not that's the case I dont't know, not having studied the circuit diagrams, but the fact is that the RH10 can't claim do that as it has no line out switch in the menu.. In practice, the line out can still be simulated by turning the volume up and EQ settings off, but it's not very convenient to do that, unlike the 'line-out' models...

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Just the other day I saw the first ever RH10 in a store in Helsinki. When I commented on the lack of a proper line-out the salesman equaled the headphone out-jack to an analog output and implied that I would be able to record through that.

The real difference between line out and headphone out (both analog signals) is that line out has a higher output (comparable with playing at full volume) and the outgoing signal is not transformed in any way by the player (so comparable to playing without equalizing or Virtual Surround stuff or anything) so that you get a very strong and unmodified signal that serves as input for other machines (stereo, recorder, soundcard,...)

The lack of line out on 2nd gen Hi-MD sure is a miss by Sony... but isn't so serious that it will render the machine useless.

The best way (IMHO) to transfer older recordings to PC:

- if you have a player with dedicated line out: go line out -> PC (soundcard)

- if you don't: use the headphone out and turn all equalizing off and the volume to maximum (is more work as line out, but the effect is close enough) -> PC

I really don't think that there is a reason to go line out (old MD) -> line in (Hi-MD) -> PC (through USB) unless in the folowing cases:

- you have an older MD with optical out -> optical in on Hi-MD -> USB to PC (as this will give a clearer sound, no analog steps) (but then again your soundcard could have an optical in, in which case you can remove the Hi-MD step again)

- you have a very crappy soundcard. In that case going MD -> Hi-MD (even with analog steps) could produce a better sound

To really know what works best: just try all options open to you (with one test track) and compare results...if there is no real difference, go with the method with the least steps.

When rerecording your recordings (either on the Hi-MD or on the PC) make sure you use wav/pcm or another non-lossy format, as every lossy format (Hi-SP, MP3,...) will reduce sound quality

greetings, Volta

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