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How to make a seamless live recording with tracks

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I have a whole CD with live music that I want to split up in

tracks to the minidisc. I read somewhere that its possible to

split a whole mp3-file that is imported into Sonicstage into

several parts and then copy them down to the minidisc.

When playing the tracks one by one, they would not have

any silent gaps between them, but run as a whole live


I can not find how to do this. Can anybody help?

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if you have the CD, do not transcode into MP3 unless you want to keep it as an MP3 on the MD (only 2nd gen HiMD can play MP3's and they do not sound as good and use up more space and battery then atrac types, so I would advise against MP3)

the way without ANY gaps:

-just rip the CD with something like EAC (exact audio copy) to one big wav

-burn a CD or mount a CD-image (possible with EAC as well) with trackmarks added (read the manual from EAC or Nero for instructions how to do this)

-transfer the CD (or image) to MD using SimpleBurner (available in the downloads section if you do not have it already)

the way with most likely small gaps:

-rip as wav

-open with audacity (see downloads section) and save sections as separate wavs

-import in SS and transfer to MD

there could be other (simpler) ways, but the first one definitely lets you have gapless tracks on MD

hope this helps

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I have the original CD. When I copy the CD digitally to the MD with an

optical cable, the tracks follows over to the MD normally with no gaps

between the tracks, exactly as the original CD.

When ripping the CD to the harddrive (I use audiograbber) and importing

the WAV files to Sonicstage and transferring them to the MD, I get silent

gaps between the tracks. I dont know why? When I copy the WAV-files

down to a new CDR I get a new CD copy with no gaps exactly as the

original CD....

Is Sonicstage adding the gaps?

I will try with Simpleburner.

Edited by thomasraden
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I did some testing now and this is my conclusion.

When importing WAV-files into Sonicstage that was ripped from the original

CD with either audiograbber or EAC, there will be gaps between the files

when the resulting imported WAV-files are played on the minidisc.

I then burned a new CD with the copied WAV-files and played it on my

CD player and the result was - no gaps between the tracks. So the WAV-files

apparently are OK.

When importing the CD files directly into Sonicstage and then transferring the

converted OMG files to the MD, the files will be played on the MD with no gaps.

Now I'm confused. What's wrong here?

Edited by thomasraden
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i'm not sure but when you rip mp3s they have a natural gap. surely ripping to wav just to import to sonicstage is a redundant step anyway? just import directly from the cd.

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the method I described, using EAC was actually only meant if you had a CD without any trackmarks (which I assumed) and the idea was not ripping to different tracks, but to one wav and making a CD or CDimage using a cuesheet which holds trackinfo...then import that CD(image) into SS or transfer it using SB...

if you have the original CD and it has trackmarks, just pop it through SB and you're all set, gapless playback all the way without any hassle...

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  thomasraden said:
I have the original CD. When I copy the CD digitally to the MD with an

optical cable, the tracks follows over to the MD normally with no gaps

between the tracks, exactly as the original CD.

If the CD has trackmarks and you can make an optical recording from a std. CD player to the MD recorder, I don't understand why there is a problem??? Why not just make the recording like that and leave it at that?

I.e. If you can already make the recording to the MD, what's the point in worrying about trying to record the MD via the PC? Are you purposely trying to make things difficult for yourself or am I missing something here?

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Sorry for being a bit unspecific about my problem, but the primary reason was that I wanted to normalise the recording level of the live recording in a sound editor program, and that meant ripping the tracks to a PC and doing it from there. But it seems that when copying the modified WAV files further on to the MD with Sonicstage there is silence gaps inserted somewhere in the process.

I tried to burn the modified files down to a CD again and then copy them directly from the CD to Sonicstage, and that worked. I'm just curious why it will not work directly with importing WAV-files in Sonicstage?

Edited by thomasraden
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