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Digital input from MD to CPU

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Hello- I'm brand new to this forum and I was wondering if there is any way to digitally transfer my live recordings from my Sony MZ-R700 Minidisc to my computer. I am willing to consider buying any nessisary hardware, I'm just wondering if it's possible- maybe a drive to install on my computer? or a docking station of some type?...

thanks for all your help in advance!!

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No. There isn't any hardware you can buy for your computer to help because you need to alter the source, your mz-r700 which does not have an optical/digital out.

If you are willing to spend for hardware, consider an md deck with an optical out such as the Sony MDS-JE780 or 980 and there are a few more decks available with the optical out. If you want to conserve money, buy the JE480 and do the necessary after-market adjustments to make the 480 a deck with an optical out. The instruction thread is here in the forums, just use "search".

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travelin, have you considerred or attempted to record them in analog? there is a wonderful free/gnu program in our downloads section called 'audacity' that will record & allow editing.

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