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Recommended mic

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I'm purchasing a Sony RH910 to use for recording live jazz concerts and practice sessions. I've viewed many of the mic recommendations and am not sure if a single stereo mic (i.e. Sony) or a dual mic setup (soundpro) would be better in this environment? I don't know how easy it would be to have separate mics in a concert setting. Would appreciate any additional info that might help my decision.

Also, any specific mic models would be appreciated.


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Hrm. Well, I've never recorded a concert before, but I know that a physical pair of mics will give you a more stereophonically rich recording if you place them correctly. I think with a dual mic setup you'll have greater control over you recording than with a single-point stereo.

That's just my opinion though. If I were in your position and wanted to record jazz concerts (assuming I have permission to set up mics) I would go with a dual mic set up. A single-point stereo is the easier way out obviously, so it depends what you're after.

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Appreciate the feedback.

Based on your comments and others (found after I posted....), the dual mic setup will give the best recording. I will have the ok to record the concerts in question. Not quite sure how great a recording I would achieve with the mics 6" apart attached to my shirt/collar, etc. I may start off with the dual mics and see how it goes.


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If you have a pair of mics with clips and you have permission to use them, they don't have to be on a shirt collar--that's for stealth. You could make any kind of mount you wanted, depending on how handy you are: on a pole, on something soft, etc. About 6 inches apart makes a very realistic stereo recording. Just put them up and out in open air, not in a place (the floor, or at waist height on a table, etc.) where the sound will be muffled by people in front of them.

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