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the big 'phone-style poll

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The Low Volta

with buds/in ear, what cordstyle do you prefer?  

  1. 1. with buds/in ear, what cordstyle do you prefer?

    • short cord neckstrap (asymmetric mostly left short/right long, for remote use)
    • short cord old-skool (symmetric left/right equally long, for remote use)
    • long cord neckstrap (asymmetric left short/right long)
    • long cord old-skool (symmetric left/right equally long)

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well, I was just wondering two things about headphone behaviour:

- what type of phones do you all prefer (= part 1 of the poll)

- what cordstyle do you prefer with 'buds and in ear-style 'phones (= this poll)

my opinion...

I'm the proud owner of:

- senn MX350 (buds) neckstrap and +/- long cord (1m)

- sennMX450 (buds) symmetric and +/- long cord (1m)

- panasonic RP-JE50 (in ear) neckstrap and short cord (with extension but never used it)

I actually had a hard time deciding... I like the symm/long cord combo and the asymm/short cord (but I've got no love at all for the asymm long cord, as any pull on the cord simply jerks the left bud out of my ear)

but after long consideration I would have to choose for the symm/long cord type, as I like to wear a small MD-pouch with the remote clipped to at waistheight, as I've always had trouble clipping the remote at a decent spot with short cords

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My favourite that I've tried so far is the behind-the-ears-and-down-the-back oldskool method that comes with Shure earphones (though I don't know of any other brands that do this, I'm sure some must.) Hooking the cord over the ears provides support for the cord travelling down the back and it's nice and discrete/doesn't get in the way. Plus that way you can let each phone dangle down over your shoulders at a greater length when you're not using them, meaning you're less likely to lose them.

And I'm all about the long cord.. as I never use remotes, I just have my unit sat in my pocket. (I tend to only listen to albums, so it's easier just to take my unit out my pocket every 45 minutes or so than it is to mess around trying to use a remote.)

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Long cord/old school style for me, it's the most versatile. I can still use a remote with it when necessary, and hang it round the neck when needed, or just use it on its own, or with other audio equipment. Also I find the assymetric cords are a nightmare to manage, getting tangled up every time they're not in use...

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