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SonicStage Keeps crashing my system when transferring to Minidisc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the forums. Try reinstalling via the directions in the FAQ.

Sorry for long delay in replying. Had already followed instructions as per FAQ before posting. This was in my original post before board crash. Yeah I know i should have put that info back in :wacko:

In addition to following FAQ whilst boards were down I re-installed system 2 times (well, you never know) and it still crashes out.

System Specs

Intel p4 2.8GHz


Win XP w/ SP2

Software installed when crashed was SS 3.2 (downloaded installer from boards) and XP Pro w/ no updates and w/ all updates.

.. any other specs/info that would be usefull?

Have been speaking to Sony and they said it could be faulty hardware (Mindisc or MZ-N1) is this the most likely reason? Wouldn't have thought it would cause system crashes if just faulty hardware.


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