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Euro NH600: Can it be hacked?

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Hi. Not sure if someone posted he found some resistors crippling the audio on one of these Euro units. So is it possible to get full un-crippled audio output? I ask because there are 2 NH600 on ebay from the UK, really, really cheap and working. Can anyone shed some light? Can you restore them to full 5 mW with the hack? And also, where are the posts with directions for the hack? (couldn't find them even with search)


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I have un-capped my NH900... while it did do something (the volume increases past 25/30, so I can use my big Senn cans) apparently it doesn't give full 5mw as there are some hardware limiters present as well

so no, not full 5mw I guess (but I would not have any clue how to measure this :P )

but enough to be enjoyed over efficient phones (like my pana's) and even with big inefficient ones (the senn HD's) in quiet surroundings at least

for the hack, just follow the link in my signature

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The Euro/UK NH600 can certainly be hacked - I've done mine.. as to whether it increases the volume significantly I've also no idea, though it seems more than loud enough with my big Sennheiser and Grado headphones..

I'm sure I read someone here (at MDCF) who'd done one of those fancy graphs confirming that their hacked NH700 was indeed giving the 'full 5mW' output, but I couldnt seem to find the thread/post on a cursory search. (I'd imagine that the 700 and 600 would have similar/identical circuitry).. Perhaps that person could step forward... (or was it dex :rolleyes:...)

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Hi Syrius,

I've just had a quick look through the circuit diagrams for the NH700 and the Euro versions do have a hardware limitation - there are resistors in series with the output. It would be possible to defeat these with a bit of careful dismantling and very careful soldering - and if the 600s you've seen are cheap enough you may want to give it a try... but on the other hand, you may not.



Edited by MichaelBeardy
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