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Seek advice on buying a RH-910 (or RH-10)

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I'm new here so please bear with me.

I'm considering to get a new MD player (to replace my MD portable used for several years, due to various problems popped up from time to time) and the only available players in the market (I mean, in where I live) are RH10 and RH910.

I never used netMD before so need some advice.

a. From the ATRACLife forums, I've read some rather poor comments/remarks on Sony software. What software do RH10/RH910 use? Sonicstage? Are they stable for transferring music?

b. Are they using USB 1.1 or 2.0? If 1.1, will music transfer be too slow?

c. Is it still a good time to buy either of this, as they were released for some time and Sony may release new products in a few months time. Btw, any views on the price in my local shops (RH10 = US$294, RH910 = US$230)?

Thx in advance.

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a: The software is now SonicStage 3.3 and Simple Burner. Both are stable for transferring music. Just don't use the software disc that comes with the unit--download the newer version either from Sony (online installer) or Downloads here (full offline installer).

SonicStage is still an annoying piece of s...oftware, with a very clunky and un-intuitive interface. If you're transferring a folder/album full of mp3s to MD, you might have to put them back in the right playing order when they get to the MD. (Copying CD to MD with Simple Burner is, on the other hand, easy and straightforward.) But I have had no problems either uploading from MD to PC or downloading from PC to MD since SonicStage 3.2.

b: USB 1.1 . Depends on the speed of your computer and what you're transferring. Simple Burner takes a CD and compresses/copies it onto MD in about 4-7 minutes per album.

c: Where are you? Can you order from Minidisc Canada? If you can, get one of the first-generation (2004) Hi-MD units (NH700, NHF800, NH900), which unlike the RH units (2005) can also record live to the same formats used by your old MD player. Amazing prices.


Edited by A440
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I'm in Hong Kong (south of Mainland China), and so I guess online ordering is not an option as the shipping cost will be quite high.

RH10/RH910 are really the two only models (possibly the last models) that are available here. I'm not too keen to have the capability to record in std SP/LP2/LP4 as my bookshelf mini can still do that.

Thx for the tips about the software.

Very likely I will purchase one of these soon.


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The units are the same except for the OLED on the RH10, if it is worth the extra money to get it, get the 10, if not get the 910. The shipping costs from Canada aren't that bad, less than from the states, e-mail them for a quote, you may be surprised.

Take care,


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The OLED is a backlit display on the unit, by the way. Purely cosmetic, but if you want to show off....

I still favor NH700 or NHF800 because they run on one AA battery for a very long time instead of the smaller, more expensive gumsticks (plus clunky attached AA battery pod) of other models. Do check out the shipping costs from Minidisco and Minidisc Canada.

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I still favor NH700 or NHF800 because they run on one AA battery for a very long time instead of the smaller, more expensive gumsticks (plus clunky attached AA battery pod) of other models.

After playing with the NH700 recently, I have to agree. There's something re-assuringly right with the AA and the simple LCD display, to me. It also feels re-assuringly solid (and chunky - in the nice way) for a plastic unit - which is, in part, a nice side-effect of accomodating for the AA battery in the design.

Just don't expect huge battery life with their bundled 700mAh rechargeable battery - definitely get your own 2300mAh or greater rechargeable AA battery (available almost everywhere economically now).

From what I've read the OLED display on the MZ-RH10 is not good for viewing in sunlight, too (but I guess the standard LCD on the NH700 is bad at night without a torch, so it balances out, I guess).

Being able to buy a long-lasting AA rechargeable for a fraction of the cost of a gumstick is great, though. And just carrying more spares than you'll ever need. Especially since the AA-sidecar on the MZ-RH10 isn't recommended for the use of rechargeables. This kind of kills any longer running-life appeal if you despise buying throw-away batteries (from an environmental and/or cost perspective).

metal, if you can get one for cheap from Canada or whatever, I'd do it.

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Being able to buy a long-lasting AA rechargeable for a fraction of the cost of a gumstick is great, though....Especially since the AA-sidecar on the MZ-RH10 isn't recommended for the use of rechargeables.

just a couple of remarks...

- I bought a 1400mAh gumstick for my NH900 for €5... I wouldn't call that too costly :lol: (especially given the price of decent 2300/2500mAh AA-rechargables)

- I've also been using a 2500mAh rechargable AA in the battery addon (or 'sidecar' as ppl love to call it overhere) without any problems whatsoever...

this combo gives great recording times (I have recorded for 6hours and afterwards playback for another 6 and there was still quite some juice left)

but besides that, I do think that the NH700/800 are very valuable machines... just see what you wanna spend/what models are available and what features you need... and do not get the NH1 except for its looks :P

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just a couple of remarks...

- I bought a 1400mAh gumstick for my NH900 for €5... I wouldn't call that too costly :lol: (especially given the price of decent 2300/2500mAh AA-rechargables)


- I've also been using a 2500mAh rechargable AA in the battery addon (or 'sidecar' as ppl love to call it overhere) without any problems whatsoever...

FWIW, I prefer the term AA add-on. :D I have read in some posts where they warn against rechargeables in the add-on attachment (either on this board or audiotstation.com, don't remember). Interesting. I always assumed it would be fine with a rechargeable but remember some murmurs about it possibly being 'risky' for some reason or another.

and do not get the NH1 except for its looks :P

U better be joking ;)

*prepares a list of why he likes his NH1*


Edited by tekdroid
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