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Koss Ksc-35 broke

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I dont know if this is the correct place to post it

but i give it a try:

Yesterday when walking down the street

suddenly the right ear headphone Ksc-35 stopped working

when moving the cable a bit it worked a bit again

So it seem the usual cable problem that headphones have.

Im lucky to still have a working Ksc-75

but they dont sound so good since KSc-35 is tighter to the ear.

But where should i now get Ksc-35

Koss.com dont have them for sale longer on their web

(by the way im in europe)

I am thinking about getting the Ksc-35 repaired

problem i dont have a Reciept (neither do i find the warranty card)

Koss.com told me i have to contact Koss Europe

and that i wont need reciept since they have Lifetime warranty.

I Emailed Koss Europe in switzerland

and they gave me phone number to Koss spain

so i called them today.

Koss Spain told me they recived

a email about my case from Koss usa

but told me Koss headphones if they have been used

was NOT covered by lifetime warranty

only if they havent been used.

IS that correct?

and if so whats then the point with lifetime warranty

only a marketing joke?

Koss spain told me

they would study my case on monday

and tell me if headphones are covered on not

(without even having my headphones in their hands)

So I have some questions:


1. Do Koss Repair Ksc-35 or will they force me

to upgrade them to Ksc-75 or other?

I need Ksc-35 not another Ksc-75

what to do?

2. Can i use the lifetime warranty without reciept?

3. How should i send them the headphones

is it ok with Registred airmail?

and HOW do i pay them the 6 Us dollar return

do i put it inside the airmail envelope?

4. Should i just better send them directly to Koss usa

instead of Koss spain so i be sure they repair them

and on warranty?

5. Alternative should i just get another Koss ksc-35

problem i cant find them anywhere (i have paypal but not credit card)

(and i want new ones not used)

Any suggestions apreciated.

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sounds silly. lifetime warranty means lifetime, not lifetime up until you open the packaging.

in the US people have had 25 year old porta pros repaired for free. get back on the phone to the koss europe people & ask them.

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Koss Spain sounds just plain wrong. A lifetime warranty is a lifetime warranty, period. You don't need a receipt--the phones are guaranteed. Tell them to honor their warranty or you will report them to the government.

If Koss isn't making KSC 35 then you need to get a guarantee in writing that they will actually repair your current phones and not replace them with another model.

If you send them to the US you may have to pay additional postage to have them sent back overseas. You also need to contact them first to work that out. When I sent my Portapros back for repair I enclosed a check for the $6, along with a letter with my return address, etc.

Amazon in the USA has someone selling new KSC 35s. Try this link:


You should also look at Ebay since you have Paypal.

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I will see what Koss spain (which is a distrubuitor only)

say on Monday

and then i will proceed contacting Koss europe or Koss Usa

depending on the solution (if they cant solve it).

Is good i dont need reciept so i will not mention it even

I will just tell them they was new when i got them

and i have used them well which also is true.

And that i want the Ksc-35 repaired not remplaced.

I update the thread on monday

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I Now finaly contacted Koss spain

(i was going to contact them today)

I said i need my koss headphones repaired

on warranty

I got this reply:

What kind of headphones.

When i told it was KSC-35

they said They was too old

and it was probaly may fault broking them.

(yea right, Very nice )

Then they said they need reciept

I then told them Koss dont need this

since KOSS have lifetime warranty.

Koss spain representive

said that i could try Sending the headphone to them

But there was ANOTHER PROBLEM:

My headphone is purchased in USA

and KOSS dont have Global warranty they said

so i have probaly to send them to USA

or Call Koss usa and get them to pay for the repair.

I called KOSS-EUROPE in switzerland

to confirm this.

Koss Official factory in Europe

told me that This "LIFETIME WARRANTY" was NOT Global

So since i purchased the headphones in USA

it MUST be repaired in USA.

This ofcourse get more expensive.

Now i have to Contact Koss USA

which already told me contact Koss Spain

to tell they dont want to repair them

because Warranty is Not Global

and that Koss europe also told me to call them.

Very Nice Koss Lifetimewarranty hype

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I also called the Bank today

and they Realy charge me much

to make a cheque in 7 Us dollar for Koss Return-fee

they want a about 12 Us dollar in Comission

so totaly i have to pay 20 Us dollar to send the 7 us dollar to Koss.

apart of this i have to pay about 12 Us dollar to send the headphones

with Registred airmail

Total that would be about 32 Us dollar.

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