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Making a website

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Dousn't that make your comp vunerable to hacking!?

It doesn't really make it any more vulnerable to hacking than it was beforehand. What it -does- do is make you a more visible target, since you are now inviting incoming traffic. Apache itself is unlikely to be the source of any hacking troubles [unless you install insecure scripting modules or something].

I have been running Apache on my home [Windows] machine since about 1998. In that time I've never had a single successful hack related to Apache. I get logged attempts on the server every single day, but most of them are aimed at attacking various exploits of Microsoft server software [the rest are aimed at specific Perl, PHP, Python &c. scripts that are http server-independent]. The fact that Apache runs the majority of the net, but that nearly all exploit attempts are aimed at MS products is rather telling, if you ask me.

I'll note that in that same time period, I've also never had anyone successfully hack my machine by any other means. As an addendum to that: since 1998 I've had a pretty steady logged attack attempt rate of between 100-500 per DAY when using broadband connections of any kind. And no one has ever gotten in, that I'm aware of.

Mind you .. I run AV software with scanning turned OFF 75% of the time, and I don't run anti-malware scans more than once a month; despite this, and the fact that I use the net daily, I have never gotten a virus that I did not apply myself out of curiosity [i was about to reinstall anyway] and I don't get adware, spyware, popups, worms, or trojans. This is mostly because I know how to avoid them by using available tools such a firewall software properly. It's also because the only reason I ever open Internet Exploder is to run Windows Update.

In the end, it's important for me to say, perhaps, that my suggestion above is more jest than anything else. The majority of users do not have the time nor the inclination to learn how to manage a server themselves. Anyone not willing to learn what needs to be done should clearly NOT attempt to do so.

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Thanks for everyones input, I found this one:


- 250MB webspace

- browser and ftp upload

- ad-free webhosting

- no registration required

- no filesize limit!

- short domain: fsphost.com/username

just pick a username and click create, no personal details required.

It seems very good so far with no adverts and no filesize limits or blocked extentions

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