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Which is the best recorder for max. €120 (£85)?

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way back in the past I used to own a Sharp MD-MT88H, however I bought it from ebay and I had a lot of hazzle with warranty repairs, ending up paying for transport because it "wasn't broken" (quite clearly it was, as to this day I still just get the "can't read"...). Anyway, that taught me a lesson, never to buy an expensive product from ebay, or used, or from a different country than where I live (England and Germany, as it were).

I started looking for mp3-players, but then I remembered the good old MD days and I lost my heart again to this. Though I would surely love the Sony RH10, I won't be able to efford this. And actually, not too long ago, I used to be fine with "just" LP2.

That's why I want to ask this question: If I don't want to spend more than €120 (£85), which would be the best MD recorder with mic-in? It doesn't have to be netMD, although it might be nice, probably.

Thanks a lot, please welcome me back on the "good side" soon,


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If your in the UK, Argos have a sale on their minidisc players at the moment

NH800 (£99)


Sony MZN520 (£80)


NH1 (£150)


I know the last one is out of your price range, but its really tempting me at the moment lol

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Thank you for your quick replies. I'm afraid, though I should've thought of Argos myself, that won't really be an option, as I won't be in England any time soon and Argos doesn't offer delivery outside Great Britain. As for Ebay, maybe things have changed, maybe it's not that bad anymore or I may have been incredibly stupid to buy from whottalottacrap64 (or whatever his name was), but I would prefer to skip ebay...

How about Sharps? I know, I'm probably talking about the older models for that price, but some of the top-range models from back then must have dropped in price...


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Right now (and for quite some time coming) I am in Germany. Hi-MD is lovely, and after thinking hard I reckon that I don't really need to have my mp3s played back as mp3s, so it wouldn't have to be a 2nd Gen. one (not to mention the frequenzy cut bit, rrr). But the prices! But the temptation! (I know, most of you have lived through the same)

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