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A Guide to Enable ClearType Antialiasing for SonicStage

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I know there probably isn't some sort of hack to enable ClearType fonts in sonicstage, but would it be possible for Sony to write a small patch for sonicstage that would enable this feature? I would really like this feature to be added to sonicstage, and it doesn't seem to be something major, is this too much to ask? Who is with me?

Edited by Ishiyoshi
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  • 4 weeks later...

That is cool, works well! Since MS UI Gothic is not a font installed by default on my Canadian Windows XP, though, I tried Tahoma or Verdana font instead. Works quite well.

However, since I use sonicstage on a 1600x1200 notebook monitor, all the text, album covers get quite small. Anyone know XML well enough to know whether the UI can be scaled up so that font and everthing is bigger?

thanks again!

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what is clear type antialiasing?

According to Microsoft:

ClearType antialiasing is a smoothing method that improves font display resolution over traditional antialiasing. It dramatically improves readability on color LCD monitors with a digital interface, such as those in laptops and high-quality flat desktop displays. Readability on CRT screens is also somewhat improved.

However, ClearType is dependent on the orientation and ordering of the LCD stripes. Currently, ClearType is implemented only for LCDs with vertical stripes that are ordered RGB. In particular, this affects tablet PCs, where the display can be oriented in any direction, and those screens that can be turned from landscape to portrait.

ClearType antialiasing is allowed:

For 16-, 24-, and 32-bit color (disabled for 256 colors or less)

For screen DC and memory DC (not for printer DC)

For TrueType fonts and OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines

ClearType antialiasing is disabled:

Under terminal server client

For bitmap fonts, vector fonts, device fonts, Type 1 fonts, or Postscript OpenType fonts without TrueType outlines

If the font has tuned embedded bitmaps, only for those font sizes that contain the embedded bitmaps

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Hmmm.. After making some mistake in the xml files i tried reinstalling sonicstage and still, it just starts up and closes after the loading screen. If someone could zip all their xml folder (preferrably after applying the cleartype hacks) and post it, I would be really grateful.

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Hmmm.. After making some mistake in the xml files i tried reinstalling sonicstage and still, it just starts up and closes after the loading screen. If someone could zip all their xml folder (preferrably after applying the cleartype hacks) and post it, I would be really grateful.

Check your pm; all you need to do is edit the font type you prefer within Lang.dtd. In addition, ensure that you follow third step of the instructions. Cheers.

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  • 1 month later...

Very few of us have any interest in installing a Japanese font, per the instructions in this topic.

As the much better alternative, install any one of the following six new ClearType fonts that will be included in the next OS:


You will find the fonts here. They are English. Note that Consolas is the only non-proportional font face.

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  • 7 months later...

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