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Best Live recording: Sharp -SR60 or MD-MT280E

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Hi there

I was thinking yesterday that I need something to record our live band practices. I suddenly thought what about MD.

I found this site and started to educate myself on what is needed. The live recordings I have listened to, from this site, are really clear and good.

I have decided to get an MD player just for live recording. The prices on ebay look good for secondhand ones.

From what I gather the sharp are a little bit better for live recording.

So does anyone know which is best between the

Sharp MD-SR60 or Sharp MD-MT280E ??

Any advice would be great.



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i'd shell out a little more for a low end himd with a mic/line input an nh700 or rh710 would be perfect & give you the option of digital uuploading to a computer for later editing

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a battery box (+ using the line-in) will rpevent the mic preamp of the MD distorting on loud sounds (like an indoor rock/metal show)... I love the combo, but others (like A440) swear by a gizmo called an attenuator (often just a headphone volume control cord 'misused') that lowers the signal so the mic-in preamp doesn't clip... but this lowers the frequency range and max sound level the mics themselves can handle a bit

I love te batt-box for live rec'ing loud shows and I have only had good results with it (PS I use the greenmachine stuff... very simple and simply great!!)

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A battery box will enable line-in recording with electret condenser mics. To use the line-in will allow for recording very high sound pressure levels with very little distortion (no preamp overload).

A little more info here:


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I'm using a battery box these days myself, now that they're as small as the attenuator. But the headphone volume control is still a great low-cost solution.

Raf, there are two big differences between the Sharps you mentioned and Hi-MD, which is only made by Sony. Hi-MD will record in PCM--CD-quality sound--as well as compressed formats. The Sharps use compressed sound only. Hi-MD can also upload the recordings to your computer, while the Sharps would have to be recorded (out of the headphone jack) in real time. Hi-MD is the better recording solution now.

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Thanks guys,

I have just got hold of an old sony R3 for £1. For a £1 I thought why not experiment. I will record the band at practice over the next few weeks. If the recording goes well I am sure I will invest in a HiMD player.

I cant believe I didnt think of using an MD player to record a year ago. A fool I am :)

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