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Free Money, well £11 at least

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After finding my Paypal account £11 in the black after getting the postage costs refunded on my NH900 I find myself with a little dilemma. I will waste the money on something from eBay, but what?? ::

{1} 2 Microphones (I could combine to a stereo setup with an extension and adapter

{2} A Caselogic MD carry case (holding 24 minidiscs)

{3} Can you recommend something else... has to be buy-it-now or ending soon and in the UK (from eBay.co.uk)

I really can't make my mind up.... HELP !

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Its' all gone now,

From MattJ - 1 Grey/Red Hi-MD disc

From eBay - Caselogic 24 Minidisc Holder & 4 CDR Pens (I am sick of umarked CDs all over the place).

I think my next purchase (AFTER I have saved all my pennies is a Mic from GreenMachine, they look the biz.

mods/admins - please feel free to delete this topic.

Edited by cthulu
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