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Windows Warning

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Why worry? Windows Updates are absolutely useless and only clog up your machine with more crap than it started with.

I don't bother with Windows XP Updates, just turn them off.

The only reasons I don't wish to purchase a licence of Windows XP:

1) Windows is still full of bugs that could of easily been ironed out. Also, it crashes too often to be worth paying for it.

2) Overpriced. Only because they have the monopoly and can charge what they like. If they charged £20 - £40 for a single license, that seems reasonable. Especially when you have to to pay crap loads of money for lots of off the shelf software (e.g. Office, Microsoft again!).

3) There are many free alternatives including a illegal version of windows ;). If they were that bothered that pirates were using their software, surely they would of clamped down on it many moons again. Probably, they don't mind pirates as it keeps users using their software, regardless of people not paying and still having a large majority of paying users.

Edited by Tunster
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if you generally use non-Microsoft products on Windows for your main tasks, like a good firewall and don't use Internet Explorer or Outlook/ Outlook Express (or their crappy Media Player), you can safely ignore 99% of Microsoft Updates and run a very secure, tight ship.

If you take the time to read them, nearly all security updates can be mitigated or eliminated by running a proper firewall and (again) avoiding the use of Internet Explorer, Media Player and Outlook Express.

That said, they will - one day - make the checking of Windows serials seamless; it will be in their DirectX updates, their full-priced software, etc. Just wait :)

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