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SonicStage 4.0 New Bitrates

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Sony listed them on the page describing the features of version 4.0. Included were 96 kbs and 128 kbs. Is Sony simply lying?

I don't think 4.0 has any extra bitrates, its more of an update for network walkmans with security updates. If I am right, 3.4 has the new bitrates, compared to the prior versions that came on CD in the box.

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I don't think 4.0 has any extra bitrates, its more of an update for network walkmans with security updates. If I am right, 3.4 has the new bitrates, compared to the prior versions that came on CD in the box.

This is correct. In addition I believe they are also listed in the new features description for 4.0 for whatever reason, but only in relation to ripping from CD not as far as transfer to Hi-MD devices is concerned.

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