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Displaying Japanese/Kanji on NA RH1

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Is using the RM-MC55ELK remote the only way to see Japanese characters instead of the ...s ? or can the unit be edited in service mode or hacked in some way to display Japanese characters on the default remote? (tried 40elk that i had from a NA NH1 but showed me the same ...s like the default RH1 remote) I did the regedit for SS4 and used applocale to make sure that the titles were not broken during tranfer.

thanx in advance :)

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The 40ELK should be fine as long as you use App-Locale to run SS when transferring the tracks - at least it was when I tried it with a Euro RH1. (No service mode adjustments made as far as I am aware)


The default 38EL that comes with the US / EU RH1's doesn't have the hardware capability on the remote itself to display double-byte characters.

Were the tracks you were transferring on to a legacy formatted MD? If so there is I think a second regedit you may need to which is again in Ishiyoshi's pinned thread.


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hmmm i just tested it again and it works

i think you need to reformat the disc with the applocale-ed SS4 before you transfer, the guy in the other thread mentionged deleting everything then reloading them so i tried the same with formatting then transfering again and the 40elk displays the japanese/kanji properly, guess i just need to fix the elk40 volume control then, the volume up button is busted for some reason ^^

thanx for your reply !

ps: just tested with the default remote too, it seems that it can only display katakana and not kanji, the remote also displays hira with katakana too for some odd reason, guess it's the only font it has

Edited by sebhan
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