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What's you favorite Video; and,why?

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right now, it's Paris Hilton's "Nothing In This World" video; with the che-wa-wa dog laying on it's back reading a magazine with it's "Master". [pic to follow].

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has-ta be the dog? or is it Paris? She's no dog!(i lover her to bits).

Edited by rayzray
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I think my favorite single video has to be Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd, moves me every time.

For a complete package it varies between Jean-Michel Jarre Live in Moscow, Manfred Mann's Earthband Angel Station Live, and Roxy Music Live at the Roxy,

have fun going thru youtube and typing in obscure old stuff and see what comes up, had a pleasant surprise the other day with President am I by the Slow Children, great song



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I (rayzray) am gonna like this "thread"; already i am having "fun".

is "YouTube" safe; that is; i will get no viruses from it; or "Mono" or something like that?

i like it. gives me something to do between "remixes" and dusting the house.

there are SOO MANY good videos; keep them going....

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