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RH10 fried by stupid mistake

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As most of you know, I am the proud owner of a MZ-RH10 but recently had a terrible accident.

I went to charge up my RH10, it fully charged a few hrs later. Tried to turn it on, nothing. Gave me a low battery error. Then I realized my horrible mistake that I used my CELLPHONE charger by accident to charge the RH10. After re-charging it with the correct charger, it can only stayed powered up for a very short amount of time, whether it's using the gumstick or the attached AA addon. I was crushed over this.

I then had a decision to make to get a new player. I checked both amazon and ebay too no avail. No RH10's anywhere to be found, and the MZ-M100 is priced way to high, out of my budget ($200 max).

So now I couldn't get a RH10. Looking at my other options, it didn't look good. I didn't want a plastic player eliminating the NH600, 700, and F800. The unit also had to have a jog dial and more than a 1 line display eliminating the NH1 ans RH1. The RH910 looked alright, but after having that great OLED screen from the RH10, I really didn't want to go to something non-backlit.

I made a decision, which was a very hard one to make. I am leaving the MD format in favor of the Sony NW-HD5. I will not leave ATRAC and all of sony's other great qualities like great build quality, long battery life, and fantastic sound quality. I will still be using MD here and there, as I have discs that I like to use seperately (will miss removable media). I still have my NH600D to use when needed, and can use my rh10 for about an hour, not much more.

I placed the order for my Silver HD5 on wednesday for $200 refurbished, hopefully it will be here soon. I guess I'll see you guys over at ATRAClife. I'll also still hang around here.

I also just want to say thanks to all those that have answered my questions here, got me started on MD, etc, etc.

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well... i just ordered the rh1. if it lives up to my expectations, i'll put my rh10 up for sale. :)

Thanks for the offer, but since I've already purchased the HD5, I am no longer looking to spend more money.

I will continue to use MD however in addition to my HD5, just more sparingly. Using my 600D, and my fried RH10 (will hold a charge for about an hr or so before dying).

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"After re-charging it with the correct charger, it can only stayed powered up for a very short amount of time, whether it's using the gumstick or the attached AA addon. I was crushed over this."

Did you try a new gumstick?

About 5 months ago, I did a bad thing.

I bought a 30 gig iPod. Actually it is a sweet machine. But after time I realized it did not have the audio clarity of my RH10. And to cap it off, my laptop died and all my hard disc stored iTunes bought music was gone. I had backed it up to a removeable drive, but when I tried to sync my iPod to my new laptop and removeable harddrive, the iPod would not recognize it!! And the iPod music would not transfer to my harddrive.

I am sure there is a workaround ~ (maybe), but IT was then I realized how much I loved the security of having my music on disc.

I still use the iPod for video (even the small screen is pretty cool for commute times), but I am sticking with the RH10 for music from now on.

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Sorry to hear about your problem.

It would almost have to be a battery problem to get the short operation deal. If it were a problem with the MD itself it most likely wouldn't work at all. Have you tried different batteries in your AA add on? It just sounds very much like a battery problem in that it would work for an hour then the battery go dead.

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Sorry to hear about your problem.

It would almost have to be a battery problem to get the short operation deal. If it were a problem with the MD itself it most likely wouldn't work at all. Have you tried different batteries in your AA add on? It just sounds very much like a battery problem in that it would work for an hour then the battery go dead.

Every AA (rechargeable or standard) dies in the same amount of time. :(

But on the bright side my HD5 just arrived, I'm shocked at how small the thing is.

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You know, it's scary to realize that the RH10, which was so common a year or so ago, is now almost impossible to find. Minidisco is now advertising only the RH1, and it's out of stock. I suppose I ought to pick up one of those $50 Psyc players on Amazon.com while I still can.

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