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Hello, I have visited this forum a few times and decided to sign up.

I have an older model Portable MD recorder. I am interested however in purchasing a newer model with Hi MD.

My wife does some DJ work and I suggested we use some MD technology to our benefit.

I have not had any experience with computer downloading. Can anyone give me ideas of difficulty obtaining sources for Artist downloads?

Any other info or suggestions as to my intended application would also be helpful. Feel free to email me as well.


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It depends on what you are trying to get.

Most musicians now have at least a song or two of their music up on http://www.myspace.com/ (followed by ARTISTNAME). Of course, also try the artist's own website--there may be freebies there.

For independent music, you can get songs for about $.25 each as infinitely copy-able .mp3 files with a monthy subscription to http://www.emusic.com . You can look through their catalog without subscribing to see if it has music you want.

For jam bands and other live recordings, try http://www.archive.org .

For world music, a good site for downloading songs (at around $.99 each) is http://www.calabashmusic.com .

For major label music you can pay for mediocre-quality digital-rights-crippled downloads at iTunes, or you can look at P2P file-sharing sites (Google that phrase) or Sparda's BT.

P2P means peer-to-peer: you install a program on your computer which will search the computers of other people (peers) who are sharing music files.

DO NOT PAY for any kind of P2P software.

Anyone selling P2P software is likely to be a hacker or ripoff. The good P2P programs are free. Before installing anything, free or not, Google the program and see if it includes spyware or adware. These are programs that will be searching your computer--make sure they are legit.

Due to the rules of this forum, you'll have to look elsewhere to find more about P2P.

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