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Adding track marks within Hi-MD tracks

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Hope someone can help me here...

I download mp3 podcasts, each one 1 - 3 hours long, to play on my RH-10. Talk shows, mostly, and would love to imbed 3-minute track marks after converting to ATRAC to hop over the commercials.

I currently am able to do this, but only by re-recording real-time to my other RH-10 [headphone output to line-in] converting to ATRAC codec, of course, using the track-marking feature on the receiving MD recorder.

Is there any other way of of imbedding track marks into an existing ATRAC file? Hopefully faster-than-realtime?

[Yes, I know I could record the broadcasts as they are on the air live directly to my recorder, but I can't always "be there" to start (and stop) the recordings.]

Couldn't find any other post with this issue...

Thanks for any help!


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I doubt there is a way with ATRAC as your source was mp3 and I would presume you converted them to atrac first before transferring. Hence, the device will not allow you to edit the tracks on your RH10.

I had the similar question about splitting a long MP3 track into several "tracks" which I posted in audiotstation forum. Someone recommended MP3 Direct Cut, a freeware which I found to be excellent. I've since successfully split my long track into smaller tracks. HTH. :)

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If it were me I'd export them to WAV, chop out the ads in CDWAVE, then reimport them into SonicStage as seperate tracks and group them together.

Editing sound likes on a large high res monitor is much more efficient than on a HiMD. Trancoding them isn't going to be much of an issue with talk shows.

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Thanks so much for all your varied replies...! Seems that there may be a good option available to overcome this problem.

I'll try them in order and give you my complete feedback.

I have any number of audio applications [Audacity, Sound Forge, etc.] but none of them can take any audio file in any format and automatically break it up into, say, 3-minute files, sequentially naming each file. Although this would not create "track marks", at least I could still get the result I want if only the apps could do it...


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