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Database Optimisation in SonicStage

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Searched the forum and the help file for SS but couldn't find anything...

In the options section of SonicStage there is an option to "Optimize and compress the My Library database". What does this do exactly? Is it just like defragmenting or is it something different? And what does it mean by compress? Is this just dealing with the file(s) that manage the database or all the music files as well?

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i'd avoid doing it if i were you. i had a 35gig SS library that optimised down to 32gig but also removed the album field from every compilation into individual artists, also every track with a guest or feratured artist was removed from it's original album too.

so about 1/3rd of it was uselss. i just deleted the lot & hope i don't need to reset my vaio pocket.

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I have done this from time to time without any obvious problems. However, one weird thing, I used to use itunes which kept all my files in nice orderly folders (by artist/album). then when i got a nw-hd5 i switched to a mix of Atrac and mp3 and using sonicstage. It, of course, does not keep files in very nice order, since it puts everything in albums rather than artist/albums. I set "my music/ATRAC" as the location to save everything. so it set up all the folders there. but one day i noticed that most of them were empty and there was now a "my music/ATRAC/ATRAC" folder where most of them had been moved again. so now they are even more disorganized and I can't figure out how to efficiently reorganize them without confusing sonicstage. I suspect this might be something that the 'optimizing" does. anyway, there is always some new discovery as to an inexplicably poorly-programmed aspect of Sonicstage!

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Wow, seems like alot of people are having problems with it.

Well, I shall be sure NOT to sure that function.

But on another note, I don't think I would need to use that function really. I a would consider myself an anal person, would is organzied. All my tracks I load on are already orgranzied, so it is pointless to even run optimization and have it ended up disorganized.



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